Early Signs of Termites – What to Look For

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(Newswire.net — October 7, 2019) — Termites are not good guests. They come to your home uninvited and leave destruction where they touch. It helps to know the early signs of termites so that you can stay ahead of them. Termite infestation is intense during spring, but in some areas you will see swarms during fall. 

Early Signs of Termites

To make sure you never notice termite infestation a little bit too late, this article will give you all the early signs. You will be able to know the onset of termite attack on your home and take the necessary measures to stop them. 

Mud Tubes

Termites will build mud pathways from where they live to their source of food. It serves to protect them from dehydration. Mostly, you will see the mud tubes in and around the foundation of your house. They are just settling in, and you should spring into action. 

Spotting Swarms 

When you notice swarms in or around your house, just know a colony of termites is knocking at your door. This is a warning sign before massive destruction begins. As the colony grows, you will see more and more of the pests all over your home. 

Bubbling of the Wall Paint

When you see the wall paint with bubbles, it could mean two things. One, there is moisture going up your walls. Two, termites are in the process of preparing for an attack on your home. Get to it immediately and know exactly the cause.

Head Bangs

When you make any commotion, you will hear some clicks behind or on your house walls. It is the male termites banging their heads to warn the rest about the commotion. Louder bangs mean the colony is growing, and you will soon notice destruction. 

Discarded Wings

When a colony is too big, some termites leave to form a new home. They usually have wings. After they find a suitable place to settle, they will shed their wings. Any spotting of these wings is a sign that you have termites’ company whether it be on the ground or inside of your furniture. You will see the wings under light and on cobwebs as a sign that they’re in your furniture or more. Act swiftly and call a professional to deal with them before it becomes a menace.

Visible Wood Damage

Termites love wood, especially when it is moist. As soon as they come in, you will notice external wood damage. You can as well see mud tubes on exposed wood surfaces. They are now ready to unleash their destructive side. 

Outdoors Destruction

Before entering your house, termites can decide to start with trees. Look for their evidence at the bottom of trees. You will also notice their mud tubes on tree barks. They are looking for food, and when it runs out, they will come indoors.

Indoor Spotting

Termites will use the foundation as their point of entry. They follow any line of weakness or through wooden surfaces. When you see any of them in your house, you should act with speed and call for an inspection. 

Bottom Line 

You can rely on early signs of termites to prevent a destruction disaster. They do not show up from the blues. You will see signs, and if you take action soon, you will never have a termite nightmare.