Health Authorities Warn Against the Diseases Linked with Chronic Inflammation

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( — October 22, 2019) Orlando, FL — More and more scientists are investigating how chronic inflammation triggers the onset of a variety of diseases and disorders. There are many who strongly recommend reducing inflammation levels to ward off diseases.

According to researchers, chronic inflammation is associated with conditions like osteoarthritis and autoimmune diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

There are other conditions linked with it like asthma, allergies, Crohn’s disease, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Healthy authorities strongly warn against the factors believed to contribute to its occurrence. This includes poor diet, lack of exercise, excess weight, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, stress, and poor oral health.

Scientists found that individuals with chronic inflammation due to an autoimmune disorder are at an increased risk of heart disease.

The Stanford University researchers conducted a study. It was found that coronary artery disease risk might be associated with genes related to inflammation.

A 2009 study published in the Gerontology journal revealed that cytokines can disrupt insulin signaling. This can lead to increased insulin resistance and even spiked blood sugar.

These spikes encourage the white blood cells to attack, and this triggers the inflammation to continue. Inflammation, according to researchers, is extremely disadvantageous in cases of diabetes.

The Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute said that chronic lung inflammation is actually a factor of numerous issues.

Some of these problems are asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes infections as well as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

When it comes to bone health, it appears that inflammation is also a culprit of certain issues.

A 2009 article was published in the Journal of Endocrinology.

In this article, it was revealed that chronic inflammation is linked with lack of bone growth and increase in bone loss.

Scientists theorized that the cytokines found in the blood can interfere with bone remodeling. This involves a process wherein the old, damaged pieces of bones are replaced with new ones.

More and more studies are being conducted to learn about the manner and intensity in which inflammation causes diseases.

Health experts strongly recommend resorting to the measures necessary in regulating inflammation inside the body.

There are natural remedies believed to be helpful in decreasing inflammation, and one is curcumin. This phytochemical is known to be a strong anti-inflammatory, and its effects are even comparable to some anti-inflammatory medications.

According to scientists, curcumin targets multiple steps in the inflammatory pathway, at the molecular level. It blocks the NF-kB, a molecule that travels into the nuclei of cells and turns on genes related to inflammation.

It is worth mentioning that the NF-kB is believed to play a major role in many chronic diseases.

Researchers suggest that this bioactive substance called curcumin fights inflammation at a molecular level. To experience its benefits, it is wise to consider the use of Divine Bounty Curcumin (

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