Increase Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Natural Dietary Supplement Released

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( — November 18, 2019) — A dietary supplement product, GenF20 Plus, has been launched to help people slow the ageing process. The new supplement can help people live longer and feel younger.

Yokoshi Brands announced the launch of GenF20 Plus, a dietary supplement that requires no doctor’s prescription and helps the body increase the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), with all its corresponding benefits to reduce the effects of aging and increase feelings of youthfulness.

More information is available here:

With advances in science and technology humans are now living longer and scientific research has recently focused on the part played by human growth hormones and it’s role in restoring youth and slowing the ageing process.

Containing hormone precursors that ultimately help to protect body cells from natural biochemical deregulation, and lessen the damage from free radical cells, the newly released GenF20 Plus was developed to increase the natural production and release of Human Growth Hormone and address the process of deterioration with age, known as ‘senescence’.

There are many factors that contribute to senescence such as stress, lifestyle choices, and evolutionary and genetic influences. Vitamin supplements such as C and E, have long being taken, especially for better skin and hair, to help people look younger for longer.

Scientific research studies have identified many factors that influence the process of ageing and one of the most obvious reasons is stress. Ongoing stress on human bodies results in hormone disturbance which causes cell damage, and the degeneration of the hypothalamus, the gland in the head that determines the type and amount of hormones that are sent to other glands.

Along with the stress people tend to place on themselves, there are many other harmful environmental aspects such as pollution, radiation, and contaminants, and a poor diet and insufficient exercise. All the body cells hold crucial information for development. As cells reproduce even the slightest harm to the sets of genetic information passed on causes a trend towards degenerating cells.

The newly released GenF20 Plus increases Human Growth Hormone in the body helping reduce the negative effects of stress and creating the conditions for a more youthful body.

Thomas Tcheuffa from Yokoshi Brands says “Humans may not have found that mythical ‘fountain of youth’, but now a lot more is known about the process of ageing and how to slow the degenerating effects. By helping increase the release of Human Growth Hormone, GenF20 Plus comes as close as we have to a supplement that restores youth and slows the ageing process.”

Medical proof, product comparisons, and testimonials about GenF20 Plus, including the results of a double-blind independent study, may be found at