Lessons in Constantly Diversifying Your Success Portfolio by Shear’Ree!

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(Newswire.net — November 18, 2019) — A lot of people believe that they have this latent capacity inside them to replicate their existing success in one field of work to others. However, the trajectory for building such a diversified success portfolio is often not so clear, making people confused on how to begin, how to juggle different things successfully and how to be at your very best in whatever you do. 

Only those who have treaded on such journeys and continue to redefine success for themselves can allow you to learn how to pursue different interests without losing passion or commitment. 

Shear’Ree is one such individual who embodies all these concepts into one powerful package. His career so far has been filled with numerous achievements in a diverse set of fields ranging from philanthropy to fitness. His journey has a lot of facets that others can take cue from and apply to great effect in their own lives. 

Let’s go over each one of them to give you a rundown on what makes Shear’Ree worth following if you want to learn how to diversify your success portfolio:

Pushing The Bar Higher Than Anyone Else:

If something hasn’t been done before, it doesn’t make it impossible but an opportunity that you can work towards in order to carve your name forever in the history books. This is perhaps the most important lesson that you can learn from Shear’Ree in this regard i.e. if you want to build success in other fields, start off with accomplishing something spectacular in your base field. 

Shear’Ree was initially a Weight lifter, but he lifted himself above his contemporaries by establishing the then world record of doing a 700.9lb Bench Press. This was the first time ever that someone had crossed the 700lb barrier, allowing him to create a unique, double record of sorts. 

This allowed him to start off his career powerfully by getting fame and recognition for his incredible prowess in his field of interest. The lesson here is to get the best kind of start possible at the beginning of your career as it will allow you to become credible and make it easier for you to gain traction when you enter other fields as a well-regarded personality. 

Philanthropy & Life Coach:

Shear’Ree could’ve stopped when he had established a world record in his primary field. Ahead of him lay an incredibly successful career with many lucrative positions that could have got him settled for life. 

But he didn’t do that. Instead he choose to take the leap and help others through his new found fame and wealth of knowledge on how to turn a life around, accumulated through years of toiling hard as a weight lifter. 

He has done nationwide school tours, worked with underprivileged communities and has even been involved with gang members, incorrigible youth among others. 

His focus was on bringing betterment to the lives of others through three things i.e. employment, education and recreation and he succeeded big time, garnering a huge following of people who continue to see him as a mentor to this day. 

Being fearless in the core message in this facet of Shear’Ree’s career. He didn’t care about losing out on lucrative opportunities in the fitness arena or of not being accepted by the people whose betterment he was working for. 

His guiding force here was his own self-belief and a heart in the right place. So for people looking to jump base and go into another field, the lesson here is to never commit to something half-heartedly. If you believe in something, go forth with all the courage you’ve got and let go of all apprehensions like Shear’Ree did. 

Running For President: 

In 1996, Shear’Ree ran as Presidential Candidate because he was fed up of the negativity that surrounds America and wanted to play a bigger role in changing things. And as everybody knows, he didn’t win, but that isn’t the idea here. 

Shear’Ree wanted to get his message across for people to believe in what he thought was right and running for President seemed like the perfect platform to gain a high amount of recognition for it. 

The idea to take home here is that you will not accomplish everything you set your eyes on, but you shouldn’t bow out of it because of that. Trying and making an effort towards something goes a big way towards making yourself powerful enough to go from one failure to another without losing your drive. 

Success will eventually come or the losses will teach you something worthwhile. Shear’Ree has always been like that, a man with an unflinching commitment towards giving his best shot at anything he aims for, without caring for results. 

For people who fear failure, Shear’Ree is someone you need to start following as soon as possible. 

Wrapping Things Up:

Shear’Ree has still not stopped yet and one of his latest ventures is his unique investment initiative titled “Shear’Ree World Record Plaques”. Anyone can bid for these plaques at his website and secure a piece of history for themselves as a special collector’s item. 

Exploring different niches and building a diverse success portfolio is what men like Shear’Ree thrive upon. You can do the same given that you are willing to follow the methodology of accomplishing these feats with the same guile and courage as these incredible people do.