Stream Pre-Recorded Videos to Facebook Live

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( — November 18, 2019) — Facebook Live is a great feature which businesses can use to update their fans, customers or viewers about anything. They can promote the latest products or services, events, celebrations and much more on Facebook Live. However, there is a catch to it and that’s businesses do not have the time or the budget to create new Facebook Live videos all the time. This means that they would need to rely on existing videos and capitalize on them.

Anyone can use the Facebook Premieres feature to post pre-recorded videos as live content. It allows pages to post an existing recorded video and enjoy the perks that come with live streaming. Check out stream pre-record videos Facebook Live and understand how a business can use their pre-recorded videos to post on Facebook Live with ease.

Some of the advantages of the live feature include dominating the news feeds of people that have liked your page and engage in live interactions with them. Facebook can even send notifications to people that have subscribed to your Facebook notifications.

The Premieres also get eligible for Facebook distribution on Watch. This leads to people that haven’t liked your page to discover it. Business pages can use other features as well which are not available for regular live videos. One can use the monetization tools of Premiers for branded content and ad breaks. 

Schedule a Premier

It is quite easy to schedule a premier as one would have to schedule it at least ten minutes in advance. It can be done for a maximum of up to 7 days in advance. When the premier gets schedule, the post would be created which would notify people that have liked the page about the upcoming video.

Announcement Post

The announcement post would automatically turn into a Premiere once it is scheduled for posting. As the Premier ends, it would become a regular on-demand video. Through the video uploading tool, business owners can just create and upload it on Premiers. The thing is that it can only be scheduled and uploaded through a computer.

Schedule a Premier by using the below steps:

  • Go on to the Show Page and click on Share photo or video and broadcast it to Premier.
  • Simply, click on Upload Photos / Videos.
  • Just choose the video which you want to post on Premiere.
  • Click on Publish.
  • Select Premiere.
  • Check out the fields and fill them for Premiere Start Time.
  • Select Schedule Premiere.

Requirements for Premiere

The thing about premiers is that videos need to be new and not released on the web. Businesses can use OSB for posting Live Videos on Facebook. Use OSB and Premieres together to make most of Premiers.

Existing videos that have not been posted on the internet can be used to allow the business to target its customers and grow. Videos are one of the most effective content and that is why you need to post videos regularly.

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