What is Peer to Peer Fundraising? – What to Know

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(Newswire.net — December 10, 2019) — What is peer to peer fundraising and what really makes it a favorite choice among many not-for-profit organizations? Well, it is all about rallying people to support your cause and becoming advocates of your organization. What makes it such a hit is that it is very effective, and you neither require a lot of time nor a big budget. You simply convince a few people who then persuade others, and the circle keeps growing. 

What is Peer to Peer Fundraising?

If you have any questions about peer to peer fundraising, this post will answer them all. It will tell you what peer to peer fundraising means, how it works, and several benefits.  

Peer to Peer Fundraising: What is It?

It is built around the concept of reaching out to peers and asking them to help raise funds for a cause. You ask those peers to go out and be your advocates — especially if you’re looking to start a fundraiser at your school. While this is not a new concept of raising funds, it is still effective, and a lot of organizations use it. 

The Benefits of Using Peer to Peer Fundraising

The reason why many not-for-profits and individuals use the peer to peer approach to seek financial support is that it delivers desired results. Here are the key benefits that make peer to peer concept an evergreen fundraising method. 

  • Works with Limited Resources for a Great Impact

Your wish is to raise funds and not spend a lot of it while at it. Why not turn into peers and let them spread the gospel? With limited resources, both money and time, peer to peer fundraiser is highly effective and impactful. The more people you have on the ground driving the fundraiser, the more you will get. In essence, peer to peer fundraisers gather double or thrice the amount one would collect through other conventional crowdfunding methods. You can also utilize these peer to peer fundraisers for other fundraising endeavors such as selling food at schools, selling goods and more. 

  • It Relies on Established Networks

The peers you begin with are already familiar with your organization — hence what makes it a good idea if you’re looking to fundraise for a school trip. You do not need ice-breaking moments with them. They will also find it easy to tell their friends about your cause and the same is true about the friends of their friends. You are building a community of supporters from established connections, and it could never get easier than that. 

  • Effective Way to Grow Awareness

The peers will begin with their family, relatives, and friends. The circle will expand and reach to people who had no idea about your organization. Your mission, vision, and what you stand for will be spread to new horizons and everyone can learn about the true importance of fundraising. Going forward, every fundraiser will be big in terms of peers and the amounts collected. It is more like the proverbial stone of killing two birds at once. You get the money and at the same time reach new supporters. 

Bottom Line 

So, what is peer to peer fundraising and its benefits? It is time you tap into its potential and get the support your organization needs. There are various types of peer to peer fundraising and the tips in this article will help you get to your fundraising goals. Pick what works for your situation and let the people be your soldiers on the ground. As you get money, you will also spread your message.