Charity Fundraising Ideas in the Workplace – FYI

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( — December 16, 2019) — Office fundraising is one of the best activities which can help to raise money for a good cause. Another benefit is that you can spend some quality time with your colleagues. It is a great excuse to take a break from the weekly work. But thinking about some amazing charity fundraising ideas in the workplace can be challenging. If you are struggling with some of the best ideas that can help you to raise money for the charity your office is supporting, then you are at the right place.

Charity Fundraising Ideas in the Workplace

There are many benefits to fundraising, especially in a workplace environment. We will help you to identify some of the potential ideas that you can use for raising funds in the workplace. Since there are some limitations to the office space, the ideas need to be unique and must work in a workplace environment. 

Ideas for Office Fundraising

  1. Lunch and Learn
    1. You can invite colleagues for bringing their own lunch and sit. You can have a good lunchtime conversation while asking everyone to make a small donation for attending and inviting some interesting speakers to talk about the issues that are closest to their heart. This can also stimulate their minds on the lunch break.
  2. Competitive Karaoke
    1. This is a great idea to be performed in the office. This will be fun and can be a great way to raise money for a good cause. Inform the whole office and ask them to compete in teams. One will be responsible for rating the performances and to determine which team is the best. For participation, you can charge a nominal fee from everyone. This can be a great way to raise funds for charity.
  3. Interdepartmental Sports Day
    1. You can test the physical endurance and stamina of your colleagues if you organize a sports day. There are different teams in the office and you can ask each of the departments to compete for the games like volleyball, tug-of-war and egg and spoon race. For the participation, charge some fees to increase the funds for the charity.
  4. Office Quiz Night
    1. Nothing can make the office coworkers more excited than a great fun night together. You can hold a friendly quiz competition night at the pub. You can charge an entry fee for participating in the quiz night. You can split coworkers into several teams and start the quiz. The night will be fun while having drinks and testing the general knowledge.
  5. Jumble Sale
    1. You can ask your colleagues to bring some old clothes, home décor and books etc. to the work for the jumble sale. You can charge a fee for admission and also ask for a small percentage of the proceeds that will go for a good cause.

Bottom Line

Whether you are fundraising for high school sports or a workplace, fundraising is very important. With the help of these charity fundraising ideas in the workplace, you will be able to raise a lot of money. When you are supporting a good cause or charity, you will need to raise funds. Since an office space has a lot of members, it brings good opportunity for raising funds. You can take these ideas to raise money for a charity in your workplace.