New Study Findings Warn Men Are More Prone to Age-Related Cognitive Decline

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( — December 26, 2019) Orlando, FL — Age-related cognitive decline affects both men and women. However, it is important to understand that in men, this condition appears to be worse than originally thought.

Dr. Anna C. McCarrey and colleagues in NIA’s Intramural Research Program carried out an observational study recently.

It has been found that in some domains, cognitive ability declines at a steeper rate for men than for women.

The NIA investigators tracked the participants in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging up for nine years on average.

It is worth mentioning that the age bracket was between 50 to 96 years of age, and they were without cognitive impairment throughout the course of the study.

In the study, the researchers evaluated the participants through memory and some other cognitive tests. These tests were used to evaluate their perceptuomotor speed and integration, mental status, visuospatial ability, verbal learning and memory, and other cognitive skills.

In the areas of mental status, perceptuomotor speed and integration, and visuospatial ability, men were found to show overall steeper rates of cognitive decline.

This has led the investigators to suggest that women have a greater resilience than men do in terms of age-related cognitive decline.

There are nutrients found to be helpful in delaying age-related cognitive decline, and one is vitamin E.

It is worth mentioning that this nutrient has long been found to produce a range of health benefits. Many studies have shown it could work wonders in fighting a range of diseases and disorders.

According to experts, vitamin E may be extremely beneficial for elderly individuals, or those who are entering the elderly period.

Studies have found vitamin E could delay the progression of memory loss as well as age-related cognitive decline. Multiple previous studies even showed this vitamin could work effectively in delaying the progression of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

This nutrient could exert varying mechanisms to produce brain-health protecting benefits. It could be extremely helpful in warding off brain-health related issues, which could otherwise require expensive treatments and grow fatal when they develop.

It is also worth mentioning that vitamin E could also offer many other healing effects. As a matter of fact, its deficiency is associated with the appearance of symptoms and diseases.

Some foods are loaded with vitamin E and its therapeutic goodness. There are also supplements like Divine Bounty Men’s Multivitamins, which have long been reputed to produce some remarkable benefits to health.

It containsvitamin A, C, D, E, K, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, calcium, phosphorous, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, and molybdenum.

It also has Men’s Blend, Amino Acid & Enzyme Blend, Immune Blend, Brain Blend, and Heart Blend (

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