How Do I Prepare For An Escape Room? – Tips to Know

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( — January 10, 2020) — Escape room is an interesting game that you can play with your friends. It is one of the most thrilling games with lots of excitement. If you are new to the escape room then you might be wondering about how to play the escape and how do I prepare for an escape room. Well, for all the answers you are at the right place. We will provide you with all the tips and advice that you will need as a beginner to prepare for the escape room. 

How Do I Prepare for an Escape Room?

To know more about the escape game, what to expect and how to get out of the room, read on. We will discuss about these answers and will help you to get you mentally prepared for the game. 

How to Prepare for the Game

Step 1: Assemble the Team

The escape room is a team game that you have to play with your friends or as a team building activity. You have to choose wisely and make sure that you are playing with the best people of your group. There should be a strong communication among you all as that is the key. Also choose a perfect mix of skills and perspective in your team.

Step 2: Choose the First Escape Room

There are different types of escape room categories such as fantasy, adventure and horror. If you are a newbie, avoid genres like horror. You can get nervous and fear can make you weaker. You need to make sure that you choose the category wisely so that you and your team can thoroughly enjoy the benefits that escape rooms have to offer.

Step 3: Listen to the Backstory Properly

Before you enter into the escape room, it is important to listen to the backstory properly. They will give you a short summary of the story and you need to pay attention to it as this can reveal a lot of scenarios. You may also need these in solving the clues in the game.

Step 4: Enjoy the Game

Now, you will be guided into the room where the game will start. Once you are inside the room, you will have to forget the outer world and play the game. The room will be the present world for you. Make sure to enjoy the game properly as this will help you to make the most of it. Read and learn tips on how to quickly beat the escape room so that you can impress your team members on your skills.

Some Important Tips

  1. Wear comfortable clothes for the game

  2. You have to search the entire room thoroughly

  3. Shout out as soon as you find anything

  4. Make sure to listen to everyone and communicate with everyone

  5. You can ask for hints and make sure to organize your objects as a tactic that not many people know of


So, how do I prepare for an escape room? You have to prepare for the escape room mentally and not physically. All you have to do is to brainstorm each and every puzzle and try to find a way out within the time limit. Make sure to wear something really comfortable as you do not know what the scenario will be inside. You may have to jump, climb and crawl too. And most importantly, remember the backstory properly as that is something very important.