(Newswire.net — January 14, 2020) — Wealth Magnet Fix released a new report on Dr. Steve G. Jones’ popular Total Money Magnetism, a brain hypnosis program that helps participants develop a success-oriented mindset.
Wealth Magnet Fix, a website specializing in mindset and financial wealth, released a new report on Total Money Magnetism, Dr. Steve G. Jones’ unique brain hypnosis program designed to promote a wealth-generating mindset. The report examines the main psychological barriers holding back most individuals from reaching their full financial potential, and provides an overview of Dr. Jones’ popular program.
More details can be found at https://wealthmagnetfix.com.
The newly released report has been designed to help individuals struggling to reach their financial goals with a balanced examination of one of the most popular self-help resources currently on the market.
Dr. Jones’ Total Money Magnetism focuses on empowering individuals to develop a “millionaire mindset” by learning new patterns of thinking and rewiring their attitudes to financial success.
According to the report, one of the most important psychological blocks is a deeply rooted underestimation of one’s potential – and, perhaps, a negative attitude towards money in general.
“A big problem is that on some level, you’ve learned that ‘money is bad’, or that you’re not ‘good enough’ to ever be rich and successful”, explains the report. “Maybe you or your family have struggled with money in the past, so you’ve come to associate wealth with negative feelings like fear, jealously, or resentment.”
The new report states that Total Money Magnetism is based on Dr. Jones’ extensive experience as a clinical hypnotherapist and celebrity success coach.
Using the principles at the core of his program, Dr. Jones has become a self-made millionaire and has helped thousands of clients overcome their psychological blocks and reach their full financial potential.
The report concludes by recommending Dr. Jones’ program to anyone interested in optimizing their mindset for sustainable financial success.
With the latest report, Wealth Magnet Fix continues to expand its range of mind power and career resources for modern professionals.
Interested parties can find more information by visiting the above-mentioned website.