What are the Most Common Skin Pigmentation Problems?

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(Newswire.net — January 21, 2020) —

It may surprise some people to hear that the skin is the largest organ in the human body. There is never a second chance to make a first impression, which is why so many people put so much time into the appearance of their skin. Many people derive self-esteem and self-confidence from their skin. Therefore, skin pigmentation problems can cause people a lot of distress. Fortunately, there is a new treatment option from The Hyperpigmentation Clinic that can help numerous people who suffer from issues related to skin pigmentation.

One possible discoloration that people might have is called the Nevus of Ota. This is a birthmark that tends to develop on the face. It may look blue or gray in color. On occasion, this birthmark can also spread the white part of the eye, known as the sclera. This pigmentation issue develops from increased amounts of a pigment called melanin. This melanin is made by specific cells called melanocytes that reside in and around the eyes. Individuals who have this type of birthmark may also be at risk of developing other health complications including skin cancer (such as melanoma) as well as glaucoma (increased pressure behind the eyes). It is important for everyone who has this birthmark to see a neurologist and ophthalmologist regularly.

Another common skin discoloration issue that people might have is called Mongolian Spots. These birthmarks tend to look like bruises. They often have a blue, brown, black, or gray color. The most common spot for these birthmarks to develop is on the back or bottom of children. Typically, these birthmarks disappear earlier on in childhood; however, some birthmarks may not go away completely. In this situation, those who would like to have this pigmentation issue treated can rely on the services of The Hyperpigmentation Clinic.

Next, some people might have a skin pigmentation disorder called Melasma. Also called chloasma, this is a disorder that leads to tan or brown patches that tend to show up on the face. Some of the most common locations for these dark patches include the cheeks, upper lip, chin, forehead, and nose. While many people call this condition a “pregnancy mask” because it has been associated with women during pregnancy, men can develop this condition as well. Women who are taking birth control pills or external estrogen are also more likely to develop this condition. While most pregnant women who develop melasma will watch this condition fade over time, it can persist for weeks, months or years. Even though there are creams and lasers out there, The Hyperpigmentation Clinic has a novel treatment that can help women who suffer from conditions such as Melasma. The Hyperpigmentation Clinic is proud to provide a large staff of aesthetic doctors who are skilled at treating pigmentation disorders such as circles under the eyes and dark lips. Using Dr V LipX, those who have issues related to the pigmentation of their skin, particularly on the face, can rely on the services of The Hyperpigmentation Clinic to handle these issues.

One of the most common skin pigmentation problems that people might develop comes from sources of inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to illnesses, injuries, and other forms of trauma. When it comes to the skin, some of the most common problems include burns, blisters, skin infections, and other types of damage to the skin. As the body tries to heal this area, people may notice changes in the pigmentation of the affected area. In general, these changes are not permanent and will fade with time; however, this may take months or even years to completely fade away. This is another situation in which The Hyperpigmentation Clinic can use novel treatment to prevent or remove certain scars that result from hyperpigmentation. In addition to these treatments, it is also a good idea to wear sunscreen or cover exposed areas, as sunlight can worsen the appearance of these changes. The Hyperpigmentation Clinic also has sunglasses called Dr V Sunglasses that can help shield pigmentation changes around the eyes.

Finally, some people suffer from a skin condition known as vitiligo. This condition is, in many ways, the opposite of the other conditions discussed on this list. While the other conditions result in hyperpigmentation, vitiligo actually removes someone’s skin pigment. This is an autoimmune condition in which the body’s own immune system starts to attack its own melanocytes. The melanocytes are cells that are responsible for producing melanin, which is the pigment that causes the skin to darken. When the immune system attacks these cells, they are damaged and no longer produce melanin. As a result, the color in someone’s skin starts to fade. There will be light patches that show up all over the person’s body. This can cause a lot of emotional distress and can harm someone’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, there are trained medical professionals who can help someone manage this condition and its complications.

Medical treatments have come a long way when it comes to managing disorders related to skin pigmentation. Those who have questions or concerns about the appearance of their skin should be sure to rely on the professionals to lend a helping hand. There are treatment options available!