An Overview of the Wuhan Outbreak of Coronavirus from

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( — January 28, 2020) —

There have been numerous global health emergencies over the past few centuries. Some of the biggest ones include the Spanish Flu, the SARS epidemic, the Ebola epidemic, and even the recent resurgence of Measles. Now, the Wuhan Coronavirus looks to be adding its name to the list long list. This epidemic has grabbed the attention of numerous regulatory agencies all over the world as the medical community tries to figure out how they are going to combat this illness. 

According to, the Wuhan Coronavirus was first noticed in Wuhan, China, located in the Hubei province. Several months ago, a number of people in the region started to develop mysterious cases of pneumonia. This pneumonia did not appear to have a clear cause and did not seem to be slowed down by any current vaccines or medical treatments. During that time, Chinese medical health professionals worked hard to figure out why these individuals were getting sick. Eventually, the cause was found to be a mysterious virus. Even though there are numerous types of coronavirus, the strain isolated from these patients did not appear to be known to medical scientists. Therefore, it was given a new designation of 2019-nCoV, also called the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Chinese scientists were able to devise new tests to identify cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus quickly. They developed a PCR test that can be used quickly to confirm cases that might be present in certain patients. A PCR test works to look for the presence of Wuhan Coronavirus genetic material (such as DNA) in the blood of the patients. Using the PCR test, China was able to identify the Huanan Seafood Market as the center of the outbreak. Approximately two-thirds of the patients confirmed to have this disease were found to have a connection to this seafood market. The market sells live animals and scientists are still working to figure out if the Wuhan Coronavirus was originally transmitted from an animal to a person.

During the middle of January 2020, the virus started to escalate. In addition to China, the epicenter of the outbreak, numerous other countries started to report cases. Some of these include Hong Kong, Thailand, Macau, the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan. It has even made it to Europe, with France reporting cases as well. The speed with which the Wuhan Coronavirus has spread to other parts of the globe has shocked and alarmed regulatory agencies all over the world. As countries work hard to try to contain the virus, some countries have taken drastic measures to try to slow or halt the spread.

China has placed the entire city of Wuhan under a quarantine. In addition, about 15 other in the Hubei province had their travel and transportation services suspended as well. Numerous Lunar New Year events throughout all of China were moved, canceled, or postponed out of fear that public gatherings may further the spread of the virus. Hong Kong has also declared a state of emergency, canceling Lunar New Year celebrations and closing schools for about a month. It is obvious that numerous countries are taking drastic measures to try to get a hold on this virus.

What makes the Wuhan Coronavirus particularly challenging is that the signs and symptoms mimic numerous other routine illnesses in the early stages. Some of the most common symptoms including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In the later stages, the Wuhan Coronavirus can lead to complete respiratory distress. Because numerous other cases of pneumonia mimic these symptoms, the PCR test is needed to confirm the diagnosis. A chest x-ray can also be helpful, as it may show signs of lung damage.

One possible prescription medication that can be used to treat the Wuhan Coronavirus is called umifenovir, which is sold under the trade name Arbidol. This medication works to prevent the viral cells (such as the Wuhan Coronavirus) from binding to the membranes of the host cells. This prevents the viral particles from entering the target cell and can stop the virus from infecting, hijacking, and destroying human cells. This medication has already been proven to be effective in the treatment of various types of influenza. It has also been studied as a treatment option for hepatitis C. Now, it appears that it may be effective to buy umifenoviir from for the treatment of Wuhan Coronavirus as well.