Phone Charging Stations for Events

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( — January 30, 2020) — 

If you are thinking of hosting an event to promote your cause or business, you want to plan carefully to make sure that you have everything you need to make your guests happy. The food has to be perfect, the decorations have to be just right, and you definitely won’t want to be without a phone charging station. 

When attending an event, no one wants their phone to die. Not only do people count on their phones for various reasons, both event planners and attendees use their devices to promote the event as it’s happening. This is all part of why a phone charging station can boost attendee satisfaction. In fact, research has shown that a phone charging station can boost satisfaction by more than 12% and increase guest retention at festivals by 20%. 

And phone charging stations are more than a way to keep your guests happy, they can be a valuable advertising tool. 

Charging stations can be easily branded to advertise a business. If you are hosting an event, you can use them to increase brand awareness for your own brand or a sponsor’s brand. Sponsors may pay you to have charging stations that advertise their brand at your event. This is a great way to get additional funding for your mission or cause. 

Charging stations can also increase a brand’s visibility at a trade show or conference. Renting a charging station will be a great way to bring more attendees to your both. Statistics show that customers who rent charging stations for their events have seen close to a 35% increase in foot traffic. 

Here are some other reasons why phone charging stations will delight your guests: 

  • They make a great alternative to having to find outlets that may not be located in the most convenient places. With a phone charging station, you don’t have to worry about attendees tripping over cables that may be blocking walkways. 

  • They eliminate the need to compete with others for an outlet. At a busy convention, outlets are in demand. With phone charging stations, there are plenty of places to plug in your phone, so you don’t have to worry about finding outlets or, worse yet, coming back for your phone to find someone has unplugged it to use the outlet. 

  • While a phone charging station will boost attendee satisfaction at your event, a phone charging locker can be even more advantageous. They provide secure spots for attendees to charge their phones without having to worry that their phones might be stolen. This gives them the freedom to walk around while their phones are charging. 

A phone charging station is a great way to keep your attendees happy and it can also be a powerful advertising tool for the businesses involved in your events. It is an essential part of hosting an event that is sure to have them talking for weeks to come!