5 Benefits of Studying Abroad

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(Newswire.net — February 21, 2020) — Studying abroad offers benefits that are immeasurable. As a college student, there are many opportunities that will arise. Some of them are memorable because you’re experiencing your first time as an independent adult. Studying abroad takes that experience to a new level. Although the primary objective is to have a different educational experience, there is so much more that you can gain.

1. Explore the World 

Many people believe traveling and having the chance to explore the world can be life changing. Why? Because traveling expands your horizons and allows you to see that the world is a much bigger place then you probably would comprehend otherwise. Looking at a map or globe isn’t the same as actually visiting a different country. The fact that studying abroad allows you to see a different part of the world is remarkable because it can change your perspective. When in a different country, you can visit landmarks that you would otherwise only learn about in textbooks. Some students take the opportunity to visit surrounding countries, which exponentially increases the value of your time away.

2. Learn About a Different Culture 

Immersion is a great way to truly get an understanding of different cultures. When studying abroad, you’re living in a different environment and learning about the cultural perspectives of your host country. This includes their traditions, foods and customs. It’s a great way to gain a new appreciation for different cultures, while expanding your horizons.

3. Gain Life Experience 

Life experience as a student in your own country is not the same as it is in an entirely different country. It has a way of developing maturity, which is beneficial in the long run. Studying abroad allows you to be much more independent and it also develops your curiosity about life as you explore the unknown. This contributes to your overall personal development and you have a better chance of learning things about yourself that you didn’t know. For instance, being in a different country can reveal that you’re a lot more courageous then you probably realize. Part of gaining new life experiences is finding new interests. You can discover things you enjoy that you may not have otherwise discovered. This applies to life coaches who are interested in a new skill set as well, specifically the enneagram certification.

4. Develop Your Language Skills

Depending on where you choose to study, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to develop your language skills. One of the best ways to hone your proficiency in a foreign language is through immersion. Fortunately, there are many technologies that can make this process a lot easier than it has been in the past. You can become far more proficient in a new language while living in a foreign country then you would by speaking that language in your own country. As a result, your study abroad experience becomes far more valuable than just taking a class or a semester of courses.

5. Make Career Contacts

Most students are primarily focused on school during their first couple of years in college. By the time you reach your junior and senior years, it’s time to make contacts that can help as you enter your career. Studying abroad enables you to make a lot more contacts than you would otherwise. It’s also worth noting that many employers value the study abroad experience and it will likely be considered a benefit when applying for jobs. If you ever decide to look for a job in your host country, you’ll definitely have a greater chance of being hired if you have already lived in that country for a period of time.

Studying abroad is about more than studying. Although that’s a part of the process and experience, you gain so much more and the benefits are far-reaching. In addition to everything you’ll learn, you can also have a good time and remember it for the rest of your life.