Is a Pandemic Coming?

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( — March 4, 2020) — 

Anyone who has paid attention to the news recently has likely seen a lot of information on a new virus that is spreading across the world. Called the coronavirus (or Covid 19 as they are multiple other strains of the coronavirus), it has already infected tens of thousands of people across the world and has killed thousands of people. As the virus continues to spread, many people are asking whether or not a pandemic is coming. It is important for people to keep a few important points in mind regarding the coronavirus.

First, the coronavirus outbreak started in China. It began in the city of Wuhan, which is located in Southeastern China. While an investigation is still being conducted regarding how the virus first started, it quickly spread throughout all of China, causing the government to place many people under quarantine. While this was a controversial decision, as was China’s decision to crack down on those who initially voiced concern, the situation in China is improving.

From there, the coronavirus spread to other countries as well. It quickly reached South Korea and Japan and has now infiltrated the United States as well. The coronavirus spread first to Washington State where it was detected in a nursing home. It has already killed several people at that nursing home. The coronavirus has also made its way across the country, reaching states on the eastern seaboard such as New York and Florida. Clearly, the virus is spreading all over the world. The CDC has already declared an emergency and it is only a matter of time before it reaches pandemic proportions.

It is important for people to note that the term “pandemic” is largely a semantic one. A pandemic is a disease that impacts the world on a global scale, which this virus already has. When a pandemic arises, it is important for people to protect themselves with the right tactical gear and equipment. The coronavirus causes illnesses and deaths by target the body’s respiratory system. It is spread through the air, making it particularly virulent. It also has a hibernation period of a couple of weeks. This makes it possible for people to spread the virus before they know they have it. Therefore, it is important for everyone to be prepared.

The situation with the coronavirus is going to get worse before it gets better. Therefore, it is critical for everyone to take steps to protect themselves against it. It remains to be seen how the various world governments are going to contain the spread of this deadly disease.