Digital Signage and How It Can Add Value to Your Business

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( — March 9, 2020) — If you’re running a business in 2020, you need to understand the potential added value that digital signage could bring to your operation. Whether it’s being used to boost the profile of your product or business, create the desired ambience in your premises or being used by your staff to coordinate bookings and share information in real-time, digital signage is a powerful technology that business owners need to learn how to harness.

So, what is digital signage? Broadly speaking, digital signage refers to any digital screen that used to display some sort of content. Digital signage makes use of LCD, LED and projection technologies to display various kinds of content in various environments.

Of these three options, by far the most widely-used is LED, given the benefits it affords in terms of energy efficiency and life span. Digital signage that is intended to be used indoors must be bright enough to be clearly legible and catch people’s attention in brightly-lit indoor spaces. There are a number of companies manufacturing high-quality indoor LED display screens, such as VisualLED.

Indoor LED digital signage can help your business become successful in a number of ways, from adding value to your brand identity with some eye-catching visual aesthetics to helping your admin staff to keep your office running smoothly, LED display screens have a lot of utility to business owners in 2020. Let’s examine some specific uses now and talk about how they can help add value to your business:


1) Attracting customers to your business

 If your business has physical premises in a location that has a lot of foot traffic, LED digital screens are the perfect way to draw attention to your business. Human beings are hard-wired to notice visual information; in fact, we can process visual information 60,000 faster than text.

Besides, people walking down the street aren’t going to have time to notice let alone read content that is composed entirely of text: grabbing people’s attention on the high street today is all about arresting visuals to draw people in and pique their curiosity. That’s how you hook them. And digital signage is absolutely the perfect means for doing exactly that.          

LED displays screens, with their high luminosity and resolution, can be used to project visually arresting and engaging content that that sparks a potential customer’s interest in your business, by using captivating, dynamic visuals. This is the principal advantage they have over traditional billboard advertising, which is static and one-dimensional by comparison.          

Another huge advantage they have is that they’re free! Instead of shelling out large sums of money to place your adverts in highly-visible locations on the high street, placing a permanent LED display in the window of your premises is free, once you’ve paid for the equipment and have your content ready to go. The only remaining overhead is the energy required to run the screen, but, as already mentioned, using LED technology will keep this to a minimum.


2) Creating the desired ambience inside your premises   

Once you’ve attracted customers into your premises, LED display screens are still very useful to you when seeking to add value to your brand.

A brand needs an identity, a corresponding set of images, designs and visuals to create an iconography specific to that business, one which communicates the brand’s values and attributes to existing customers.    

Doing this will turn a visit to your place of business from a mere shopping trip into a stimulating, immersive experience in which the consumer finds their own values and identity echoed in their surroundings, creating a deeper sense of identification with the brand and thus ensuring greater brand loyalty. Use indoor digital signage to turn your premises into a space in which the values of your brand are deeply embedded.   

3) Coordinating staff

This third reason may not be as glamourous or sexy as the preceding two, but it is equally important. Indoor LED displays are the perfect way to keep your staff and customers updated with vital information regarding bookings and schedules in real-time.          

LED screens can be synced with various project management software programs, meaning your whole team can be reading from the same page at once, avoiding mishaps such as double-booking or missed appointments.           

An LED display screen displaying which meeting rooms are booked for what time or detailing a virtual layout of a restaurant floor to show which tables are reserved can help your business run smoothly and harmoniously and avoid the negative customer experiences that can result from poor organization and lack of communication between team members.   

In summary, digital signage is a vital weapon in the arsenal of any business seeking to compete in the marketplace in 2020. Use how to wieldy it wisely and your business will stay ahead of the competition and your brand will benefit from some real added value.