Passive Income Home Jobs For Teachers Kindle eBook Publishing Program Launched

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( — March 11, 2020) —

A new Kindle publishing video training program has been launched by Ty Cohen called Kindle Cash Flow. It’s ideal for teachers looking to generate side income.

Ty Cohen has launched a new training program for anyone looking to earn more money working from home. Kindle Cash Flow is ideal for teachers aged 25-65 looking to increase their income with a fun, easy, and seamless approach to home-based income.

For more information please visit the website here:

Ty Cohen created Kindle Cash Flow and now makes $30,000 a month himself through passive income. This is due to creating, publishing and selling ebooks on Amazon through the Kindle platform. It’s easy to get started, and Ty himself simply uploaded Word documents that are often as short as 25 pages.

The program helps to break down the barrier of entry with self publishing. It demystifies many of the steps and processes, and helps more people to earn money working from home.

With Kindle Cash Flow, teachers are able to earn side income or even earn enough to quit their job and work from home. It gives them added flexibility and helps to reduce stress and anxiety over pay days. It can also help with paying off the mortgage, enjoying more holidays, and buying more luxury items.

Ty uses a 3-step system to ensure success with his ebooks and now he’s offering training on how to replicate that. There’s no experience required, and participants don’t even need their own website. That makes it easier than ever for anyone to get started writing and selling ebooks. Interested parties can get started writing and earning as soon as next week.

Kindle Cash Flow comes with full video training to break down the process. There are 90 modules with step by step training to make it easier for anyone to succeed.

With Kindle publishing, the author gets 70% of the royalties when a sale is made. They can also be published quickly, and authors are in full control throughout the process. That makes them a great way to make additional income without much work.

Those wishing to find out more can visit the website on the link provided above.