How EdTech Reduces Teacher Workload

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( — March 12, 2020) — Some teachers prefer to retire early, have experienced breakdown or stress because of burnout, which is caused by a high workload. While such statistics are alarming, the technology works to reduce workload by simplifying their daily activities, improve workflow, and enables a teacher to focus on enhancing a student’s productivity. 

So which are the most effective ways educational technology helps to reduce teacher’s workload? 

Increases Efficiency

Education is increasingly being transformed by artificial intelligence. For starters, the digital content which has been made possible thanks to technology has allowed information to be compressed into summaries available for each chapter. 

There is also access to flashcards, smaller study guides, and smart notes, which promotes better understanding. With the increase in the processing of information, learning becomes more natural as manual tasks are eliminated. So instead of manually assigning tasks or keeping records of all students, which often result in human errors, technology streamlines the processes and enhance efficiency. 

Improves Lesson Planning

While the primary role of a teacher is to educate students, other duties accompanying their job description often leaves them overworked. Lesson planning is one such task. Technology helps teachers to create lessons at a faster pace and even come up with individualized lessons that allow slower students to grasp the learning material better. 

Besides, lesson planning apps, platforms, and websites assist a teacher in planning lessons, which makes their life easier, more organized, and saves time. 

Retain the Functionality of a Traditional Classroom

When a student is overworked, they have an option to seek assistance from the best essay writing service. But what options do teachers have when they feel overworked? Taking time off is a great option. But it’s only a temporary solution. On the other hand, edtech provides a permanent solution to reduce workload through the use of smartboards. Some of the benefits of smart technology are: 

  • Environmentally friendly. They eliminate the need to purchase paper, print, or photocopy it. 
  • Promote technology integration in a classroom. 
  • Offers students and teachers access to unlimited online resources. With a massive knowledge database, teachers use the appropriate material to reinforce lessons. 
  • Increases student engagement. Learning digital skills increases the chances of succeeding in the work environment. 

Teachers prefer the traditional classroom approach; it’s no wonder the pace at which technology has been integrated into the classroom is slow. However, teachers aim to enhance the learning experience, and that’s where smart boards come in. 

Projecting visual elements helps tech-savvy students to keep up with the latest learning tools and participate in lessons. Overall, such technology complements the teaching process and makes a teacher better at their traditional job and more productive. 

Provides Real Tome Data Analysis

Did you know that teachers spend approximately 50% of their time on non-teaching activities

Responding to parent’s queries, filing paperwork related to their profession, grading exams, organizing, and managing field trips are some of the non-teaching duties that add up to a teacher’s workload. 

Artificial intelligence aims to streamline such processes by assisting teachers in organizing all tasks. Additionally, apps that enhance communication between parents and teachers should not be overlooked. 

Technology continues to show that indeed it can make a teacher’s life better by relocating time, which is often considered the scarcest asset. Through edtech, teachers receive attendance statistics and reports for each student. 

Instead of relying on manual rollcalls, they perform data collection and analysis in a faster and more efficient way, which works to reduce workload. However, to avoid fatigue, teachers should master which data they should prioritize that way, they can focus less on the unnecessary analysis or having to sift through a large amount of data. 

Craft Better Learning Outcomes

With technology tools such as computers and projectors, a teacher can type notes and create presentations that work to ensure that he or she focuses on what they need to cover and less on how best to deliver the material. 

This strategy eliminates unnecessary or time-wasting workload. Furthermore, with edtech, a teacher tracks a student’s engagement and come up with better learning outcomes. Technology also allows a teacher to track a student’s grades and performance as well as spot learning gaps and adjust lessons accordingly. 

With a teacher working full time, edtech offers a way out to reduce workload and free up extra time. The trick lies in incorporating the right technology or education tools that streamline a teacher’s current work-related processes.