Reasons to Use Windows VPS Hosting for Your Websites

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( — March 13, 2020) — In this world of growing technology at a fast pace, everything needs to match the speed to get going. Websites are one of the most common ways of making money or it is used as a medium to get into touch with millions of people in a single go. Let’s understand some basic terms of a website.

These terms are used when you use a website-

1)Domain name-For example your website name is, .com is a domain you have to,.in,.org and many more. So these are called domains. And when these domains are with your website name like then this is called a domain name.

2)Hosting– There are millions and trillions of websites and need servers to back up their data. Every individual and business are not able to maintain there own server, so they use servers provided by the third party. Most of them use a shared server in which many websites take a subscription to use that server.

But when your website starts scaling and traffic increases then you need good hosting. Here comes the role of VPS hosting.

What is VPS hosting or virtual private server hosting?

As you know there is a basic form of hosting that is shared hosting, which is definetly cheaper but it has some limitations with it like you have one physical server and many different customers to use the same server. They share things like CPU, RAM and Disk space.

But VPS hosting is a dedicated server hosting, in VPS hosting one customer gets an entire server to use. Here is no sharing with any other customer. The whole server is dedicated to one customer.

Here are some features of VPS hosting-

a) In this hosting one server is dedicated to one single customer. There is no sharing of the server.

b) There is no effect of activities or traffic of other VPS users as you have a single server that is dedicated to you only.

c)You will get the facility or more customization as compared to shared servers.

d) If the website is growing and traffic increases then VPS is very reliable as there are stability and safety of data.

e)You get full control over your VPS as it is not shared with other customers.

Everything has some pro’s and con’s with same goes with VPS. Now as you got some basic knowledge of VPS hosting, let’s discuss some pros and cons of VPS.

Pro’s of VPS hosting

As you are the admin of the server you have full authority to it.

  • You can do the installation and configuration of anything you want
  • It is a secured hosting in which data is safer than compared to shared hosting.
  • We can expect high performance and stability when we use a VPS hosting.
  • You will get good technical support in VPS than compared to shared hosting.

Con’s of VPS hosting

  • Shared hosting is cheaper than VPS hosting because VPS allows you a lot of customization and configuration of anything you want.
  • You need sound technical knowledge if want to use VPS because you have to solve most of the problems by yourself because you are the only admin.

Know some best VPS Hosting Services-

1)      Hostinger-Hostinger provides services for both Linux and Windows. It is affordable and cheaper as compared to many other VPS Hosting services.

2)      ScalaHosting-ScalaHosting is known for its security features. It is considered as the safest server for your data with free backups and free website migrations.

3)      InterServer-InterServer is known for its speed and optimization. It has excellent loading speed and supports all the major operating systems.

4)      Liquid Web-Services from Liquid Web is much higher in cost as compared to other VPS Hosting but you will definitely go to get a high-end speed. So it’s worth it.

As your understanding of VPS Windows Hosting is now successfully created above.Know let’s understand some other dimensions of Hosting. There is one more kind of Hosting that is Cloud Hosting. Let’s understand the difference between Cloud Hosting and VPS Hosting.

Cloud Hosting uses many different physical servers but VPS Hosting is segmented on a single physical server. Cloud Hosting has a benefit that it is more flexible and performance in cloud Hosting is quite good. You can tap into other servers in cloud hosting as per your needs. So Cloud VPS is also offered by many hosting providers which is a VPS hosting with the facilities of cloud hosting.

Some examples of Cloud Hosting are-

  • SiteGround
  • LiquidWeb
  • Cloudways
  • Superb Internet
  • Fast Comet

How do VPS Hosting works

Know you have a domain name, its time to choose to host for your website. You can purchase hosting services from different hosting service providers. If your website grows and traffic increases than you can go for VPS Hosting for high-quality performance of your website in this competitive environment.

So the question is how does it work. A server on which web host stores the database needed for the website.When any visitor wants to visit your website or want to access your website their browser sends a request to your server and it transfers necessary files through the internet.

Virtual hosting provides you a virtual server that is dedicated to your website only but in reality, the machine is shared among several users. VPS Hosting can be used in Linux as well as in Windows. In this world of technology, VPS Hosting will come up with new dimensions in the future.