How is the Pandemic Impacting Pets?

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( — March 16, 2020) — 

Those who have paid attention to the news have likely heard information about the coronavirus pandemic. This is a respiratory disease that started in southern China. It quickly spread to other Asian countries before reaching the United States and Europe. Now, this virus has infected more than 100,000 people all over the world. There have also been 4,000 deaths. Both of these numbers are expected to rise. On the other hand, this virus is not only impacting humans. It is also impacting animalsand pets all over the world as well.

There are reports that many people have head to evacuate their homes in the wake of the massive lockdown in China. Similar lockdowns have also been ordered in Italy and Spain. France has also shuttered many of its major businesses. In response to the crisis, some people have had to leave their homes. In the wake of their evacuation, some animals are being abandoned. Countless more animals are at risk. For example, in the city of Wuhan, where the virus started, many dogs and cats were left behind. Some people are worried that similar situations could happen here if people evacuate in a hurry.

The biggest risk that these animals face in the event of an evacuation is a total lack of food and water. Starvation is the biggest threat. Some people will leave out enough food and water to last for a few days; however, many of these residents operated under the faulty assumption that they would be back in just a few days. In reality, people might not return to their homes for a few weeks. As a result, many animals are left to fend for themselves. For pets, they have been provided for their entire lives. They might not know how to find their own food and water. This means that many animals end up starving.

If someone has to leave their home for an extended period of time, they need to make sure that their animals are going to be cared for. It is helpful to take a look at dog house information because there are advanced solutions available. For pet owners who don’t want to board their animals at the vet or a boarding facility, there are devices that will dispense food and water at regular intervals, ensuring that pets are fed even if the owner isn’t there for several weeks.

The coronavirus outbreak has impacted individuals and families all over the world. Sadly, this pandemic looks like it is going to last for a few months. It is important for people not to forget about their pets in times of crisis.