Attend Localization Conferences and Events

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( — March 26, 2020) — If you’re the owner or a member of the senior management of a small company with big plans for international expansion, you should be attending localization conferences and events in your region.

Attending one of these events will open your eyes to just how much you need the services of the localization industry. The localization industry is vital to any company’s business plans to expand to foreign countries that speak a different language than the company’s country of origin. 

Corporate Uses of Localization

At a localization conference or event, you’ll learn that this industry can help you to accurately convey your company’s message in multiple languages. It can also help you avoid making any cultural mistakes in the wording of that message. 

The term ‘localization’ was created to explicitly address the need for accuracy when delivering messages to countries and regions that speak different languages and have different cultures. 

Localization can also be valuable to your marketing department in explaining the products and services of your company. These services can take the form of translation and localization of written marketing material, user manuals, and advertising content. 

In advertising content, the services can save you a large part of your advertising budget by simply overdubbing existing and expensive video advertisements into the language of your target audience. 

If your company is mature and profitable enough to considering expanding into foreign markets, it probably has an extensive website as well, which offers a choice of languages. But has your company ever considered using machine-learning to answer FAQs on the company’s website?

Attending a localization conference or event will provide you with in-depth information about this quickly advancing technology and also provides resources you can use to find out if the technology fits the needs of your company.

Immerse Yourself in Localization Events and Conferences

But more than just sitting in seminars throughout the duration of the conference, these events also feature product demonstrations, networking sessions, and workshops that enable you to immerse yourself in the world of localization and get a complete picture of all the benefits it offers. 

You’ll get a chance to meet and ask questions to the developers of machine-learning technology as it applies to translation. You’ll also be able to take part in workshops that can teach how best to use localization in your specific industry. 

In the networking sessions, you’ll be rubbing elbows with members of agencies and firms in your region of the world who offer a range of comprehensive localization services for corporate applications. 

You’ll be on your way to building a network of contacts in the industry that will be able to provide contacts in other areas of the world that you may be targeting as new markets. 

Make no mistake about it. Your company’s ability to succeed in your international expansion plans will depend on its ability to recognize localization as a vital tool in reaching its international goals.