Trump Urged US Drug Firms to Help Britain’s PM

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(— April 7, 2020) — Boris Johnson, who was diagnosed with the coronary virus, was transferred to intensive care after his symptoms suddenly worsened.

In the event that he is unable to lead the government, it was earlier agreed that Foreign Minister Dominic Rab would take over the government.

British Prime Minister Johnson, 55, was admitted to the hospital yesterday after he was found to have all of the symptoms of being infected with the COVID-19 virus corona. At the recommendation of his medical team, after it was determined that his condition had significantly worsened, or had moved to the “red zone”, according to the English media, Johnson was transferred to the intensive care unit.

His spokesman said the British prime minister was “aware all the time” and “not on the respirator”.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Johnson’s political opponent, wrote on his Twitter account that he wished the prime minister a speedy recovery.

US President Donald Trump also expressed wishes for a speedy recovery to UK’s Prime Minister.

“We’re very saddened to hear that [Johnson] was taken into intensive care this afternoon. Americans are all praying for his recovery,” President Trump said at a press briefing on Monday.

Trump said that several “genius” drug companies had “arrived in London already” in order to discuss therapeutics for the prime minister, Russia Today reports.

The US President said that it is “a very complex treatment of things that they’ve just recently developed,” adding “when you’re in intensive care, that’s a big deal.” Trump expressed hope that Boris Jonson would not need complex treatment.

After testing positive to COVID-19, Britain’s PM was admitted to a hospital, but he was moved into an ICU on Monday after his condition worsened. Johnson remains conscious, but is prevented from fulfilling some of his duties, his media representative said.

Johnson’s spokesperson also said that Johnson has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to stand in for him where necessary. The decision invoked mocking in public because the commander in chief is set to be a person who didn’t know his own whereabouts. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has been ridiculed on social media after appearing to not know where he was for his general election hustings.