You May Have a UTI Without Even Knowing It, Experts Now Warn

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( — April 15, 2020) Orlando, FL — Doctors have long warned that urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be dangerous, especially when left untreated. There are actually many people today who suffer from this infection without knowing it. 

When this infection occurs, it could result in complications when not treated timely and properly. For individuals with this infection, pain and other symptoms make daily life difficult. 

Some of the most common symptoms of this infection are a burning sensation when urinating, pain or pressure in the lower back or stomach, or feeling like you have to urinate immediately even if nothing or just a little comes out. 

UTIs can also result in bloody or strong-smelling urine and exhaustion. 

The Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health Publishing reveals that UTIs are common in older women.

Experts believe that women have a shorter urethra and that older individuals have an immune system that may not fight infections as fiercely. 

There are ways to reduce the risk of this infection, such as drinking more fluids. This can significantly help eliminate bacteria before they reach the bladder and cause the infection. 

It is undeniable that antibiotics are saving countless lives, and they are a popular treatment for UTIs. However, it is worth being warned that their misuse or overuse can result in antibiotic resistance. 

There have been many cases where antibiotics are prescribed and used even when they are unnecessary. Health authorities strongly warn that antibiotic resistance is a growing global public health issue. There are many dangerous consequences of antibiotic resistance, such as increased mortality. 

The good news is that some safer alternatives like D-mannose could work wonders in fighting the infection. It is worth realizing that this harmless sugar is widely studied by researchers due to its remarkable UTI-fighting benefits. 

In multiple research studies, it has been found that D-mannose particularly works by blocking the E.coli and other UTI-causing bacteria from reaching the cells lining the urinary tract. Through inhibiting these bacteria, the onset or recurrence of infection is prevented. 

This is why many experts strongly recommend the use of this beneficial sugar in the treatment and prevention of the infection. An extra-strength formula called Purest Vantage D-mannose could be helpful in delivering the healing goodness of this natural remedy. 

Every bottle of this 600-mg formula is packed with 120 Vegetarian capsules. This formula could be an excellent choice for individuals prone to the infection. What makes it all the more beneficial is that it is protected with a money back guarantee, which makes every purchase absolutely risk-free (


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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