How Do Know When a Crypto Broker Is Not a Scam?

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( — April 10, 2020) — With all the negativity that has spread in the cryptocurrency market due to some fraud online brokers and scam ICOs, trusting anyone on the internet has become quite a challenge. Many people, who have already signed up with the wrong brokers, have learned their lesson. However, some people cannot sleep in serenity because they keep doubting their choice of the broker. Are you skeptical about the broker you have signed up with? Well, here are some ways you can know that the broker you have signed up with is honest and not a scam. 

When Crypto Broker Is Not a Scam It Does Not . . .

  • Offer You Leverages

The one thing you will notice about legitimate online brokers is that they will always offer you some leverage on your trades when you sign up with them. That’s because they are providing you with CFD trading services. When trading CFDs, you can take advantage of huge leverages for awesome profits on your trades. However, a leverage can only be used when you have already signed up with a broker. In short, it is not something that a broker will use to attract you to its platform. It has to find ways for you to make that initial deposit in your account. 

  • Talk About Safety  

Why would a scam talk about security and safety of your information and money? In fact, if there is someone trying to steal your money, it will never bring the topic of safety and security up. Scammers do not want you to pay attention to anything that makes you think about the safety of your money and information. Keep in mind that you can lose your identity and a whole lot of money if you sign up with an unsafe online broker. 

  • Provide You with Trading Education

Compiling the right pieces of information to create the perfect trading training course can require a lot of money. That’s the last thing that a scammer can think about. On the other hand, the right brokers will always provide you with lots of ways to learn trading. For example, some people tried their best to prove XTRgate scam a real scam, but they failed miserably because of the services provided to its tradesr by the broker. The trading education from XTRgate is one of the most comprehensive you can find with an online broker. 

  • Offer Any Safety

Talking about safety can be easy, but providing it on the trading platform is definitely a huge challenge. If you have signed up with the right broker, you will see that the broker has a lot of ways to secure your information and money. The right broker will not only talk about safety but also have proper security protocols in place. For example, you will notice that the information you provide on the website is being encrypted through latest 128-bit or 256-bit encryption methods. At the same time, the broker will tell you that your money is being kept in separate accounts. 

Final Word

Yes, the reality of the online world can make you think twice or even thrice before you sign up with a broker. At the same time, it can cause you to be doubtful about your decision when you have already signed up with a broker. However, if your broker talks about safety and takes several security measures, you can be sure that you have found a gem.