Advice from Brisbane Business Coach James McNamara

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( — April 14, 2020) Victoria Point, QLD — Brisbane Business Coach, James McNamara said that many businesses will be looking for help in their business, once the initial Covid-19 shock passes by.

James speaks about this in a recently published YouTube video —

Information about James McNamara small business coaching in Brisbane is available here —

As a small business coach in Brisbane, James gets to work with many different small businesses. He says that there are three common problems that affect small business owners and their profitability. These are first, not enough profit being produced by the business. Secondly, business owners struggle to find the time to ‘grow’ the business.  Finally, many business owners feel like it all rests on their shoulders. They’d like the team to do more, but seem unable to generate a high degree of productivity from the team.

 From his experience as a business coach in Brisbane, Australia, James tells business owners “Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. In fact, many business owners are experiencing these same challenges”. 

He goes onto say, “thankfully, business owners can overcome these challenges in their business”. 

James advises that there are just four ways to increase profits in a small business. The first area to focus on is acquiring more A-Grade customers. James says “design marketing that will appeal to the best class of customer. No one else matters!” 

The second area to work on, James says, is to find ways to increase the amount your customers spend with you each time they come. “This is more than ‘would you like fries with that?’”, says James. 

According to Brisbane Business Coach, James McNamara, the third most important area of business growth to focus on is Repeat Business. James says “it’s 15 times less expensive to sell to an existing customer as it is to sell to a brand new customer”. 

Finally, James advises small businesses to work on internal systems and processes to help improve effectiveness and to free up some capacity for new customers. “The beautiful thing about increasing effectiveness and efficiency is that it releases capacity. This means that you can service more customers without incurring any more running costs”, says James. 

When asked about the number of different sources of advice available to small business now, he says “Let’s face it, on every corner, there is a purveyor of business advice. Some of it is good, some not so. The danger of such a myriad of advice is a loss of focus”. James advice is to “focus on a handful of priority is the key to making meaningful progress in your business.” 

If you look at these four areas of focus, they are balanced across your business. They are not focused on just one area, for example, marketing and lead generation. This helps you take advantage of the profit multipliers that are available in your business. 

James is one of the more experienced small business coaches in Brisbane. Right now, he is readying himself for a high demand for his business coaching services in Brisbane. 

James says that when the sun starts shining again (and it will), businesses will need experienced support to help them get up and growing again. One thing that they’ll need help with is low-cost or no-cost sales and marketing strategies.


About James McNamara

James McNamara is a Business Coach, Sales Trainer and Leadership Expert. He offers live training and coaching in Brisbane and Australia. He offers online training and coaching internationally.

James McNamara

4 Turnberry Drive
Victoria Point, QLD 4165