Having Celiac Disease in the workplace – What to expect

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(Newswire.net — April 17, 2020) — 

In the past, humans were suffering from various diseases, and most of them ended either fatally or with extreme consequences to the overall health. Were these diseases so powerful? No, not at all. The truth is, medicine was barely existent and they couldn’t find a cure even for the mildest flu. 

Nowadays, we have all sorts of advanced cures, remedies and medications, and a solution for almost every problem that you can face. There’s no denying that studying the human body is probably one of the most fascinating yet hardest things to do, but if we want others to live their lives happily and without worrying, someone has to do it. Every day we should be thankful to doctors for doing their job and saving millions of lives globally.

Today, we’re going to focus on a quite common disease that a lot of people across the world are dealing with, the infamous Celiac Disease.

If you happen to be someone who is currently struggling with this, or you’re simply curious to learn more about it, we advise you to stay with us until the end of this article. Let’s take a look at what you should know.

What is Celiac Disease?

As reported by the Guardian, this is the type of a disease that is both very serious and easy to control at the same time. Sounds strange? Well, because it is. It occurs in people that are genetically predisposed to getting it, and it has some very unpleasant effects if you are not aware of it. Here’s what happens.

People who are diagnosed with this condition are unable to eat any products that include gluten, or they will have to deal with the extremely unpleasant symptoms. For those of you who don’t know what gluten is, it’s basically a protein that can be found in rye, wheat and barley. Although there’s nothing wrong with gluten, if you have this disease, your system will automatically start attacking your small intestine, potentially damaging your villi.

What are Villi?

Villi are small projections that are found on the walls of your small intestine, and they have a very important role of absorbing useful nutrients when you’re consuming food. Now, if they are constantly being attacked by the disease induced from eating gluten, they will sooner or later start malfunctioning, or reach a state of complete atrophy, and this is when you’ll start experiencing serious issues. Because of this, it is important for you to know what you should eat and nutrient value of various groceries.

How does a person get Celiac Disease?

Just like we mentioned earlier, this disease can develop at almost any age, and it will mostly be determined by your genes. If it runs in your family, your chances of having it are increased. You can also go many years in your life without noticing anything strange, and it is actually quite common for people to discover it in their mid-life. If you are worried that you might have this, you should visit your doctor and do the tests. The sooner you find out, the better for you.

So, how can I cure this?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure for Celiac Disease, but there are a lot of simple things that you can do in order to never experience the symptoms again. Obviously, one of them is to completely avoid gluten in your diet, especially when you’re at places such as work or while on a business trip.

Since people are slowly becoming more aware about this condition, there are a lot of gluten-free diets on the internet that you can take a look at as an example about what you should be eating. If you don’t like any of those, you can visit a nutritionist and let them create one specifically for you. This is obviously the better option, but it will cost some money.

As for artificial cures and products, there are a few, but if you ask us, they aren’t really needed because all of the symptoms can be avoided by simply getting rid of all gluten products in your life. As for the disease itself, it cannot be cured permanently, so why waste your time and money on things that will just temporarily “fix” the issue?

One thing that can definitely help ease the symptoms is heavily debated CBD oil. Over the last few years we were listening about this miracle product and health benefits that CBD offers and according to CNN bright future is predicted for these.

If you think that you might have the celiac disorder, but you are not quite sure yet, you can take a test from Imaware and end your uncertainty once and for all. 

If you do test positive for celiac disease, one of the most frequently discussed things are about the ways you can bring this up at your workplace.

Bringing it up on the table

At some point in your life, you’ll be at a dinner with all of your co-workers, or even your boss, and there will be something on the menu that isn’t gluten-free. This is the moment when you’ll have to make the decision of either bringing up the truth about your condition, or suffering the symptoms for no reason. Obviously, the first one is the right thing to do, and we would like to encourage you that there is nothing wrong with having celiac disease, and it is definitely not your fault even the slightest bit.

Give them facts

Now, there are numerous ways that you can help people understand what’s going on in your body. Most of them will already know, because as we already mentioned earlier, the awareness about this condition is on a much higher level than what it was then it was first discovered back in 1888.

You can start explaining about your disease through scientific facts, or you can just tell your co-workers that eating gluten makes your intestines really irritated so you’ll have to order something else. You’ll be surprised by how much understanding they’ll have about your situation, so don’t worry about it at all.

A lot of people know already

You might even hear from another co-worker that they’re experiencing the same thing, so you can do some more “bonding” through something that is seen as a negative thing. As a result, the help from your colleagues will help you reduce your workplace stress level.

People with celiac disease can be perfectly healthy and fit, just like the ones who are not suffering from it. You shouldn’t let this impact your life more than it actually does. If you’ve recently discovered that you have it, you’re probably still scared and wondering how you’ll manage to go through all of your diet changes, but once you start with it, you’ll soon realize that it’s not a big deal at all.