How To Stay Sober During The Pandemic?

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( — April 26, 2020) — 

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused a significant degree of fear and uncertainty for many people. Numerous individuals have lost their jobs and are sequestered in their homes by order of their state’s government. When these stressors are coupled with financial and potential health concerns, the anxiety can be difficult for some people to handle.

In response, certain individuals stand at risk of turning to alcohol as a means of quelling their uneasy feelings. Those with added danger of engaging in such behavior are recovering addicts. During this trying time, potentially vulnerable individuals might need to employ the following tips geared towards helping them remain sober.

Partake In Relaxing Activities

Being in isolation could limit one’s ability to engage in certain activities. However, when tension builds up, individuals are encouraged to identify and participate in a relaxing endeavor they can partake in either indoors or while adhering to the appropriate social distancing guidelines outside. Specific undertakings could include reading, watching a movie, exercising or gardening.

Make Sure Prescriptions Are Up-To-Date

Individuals who are prescribed certain anti-anxiety or any other type of needed medications should make sure they possess enough to last for an extended duration. It is important to remember that doctors appointments are not easy to come by during shelter-at-home regulations. Ergo, those taking prescription medications should not wait until their reserves grow low before making refill requests.

Partake In Virtual Recovery Meetings

Meetings are often an important aspect of a former addict’s ongoing recovery. Ergo, whenever possible, said individuals are encouraged to participate in online meetings where they can proceed with recovery-related activities and engage with individuals facing similar circumstances.

Occasionally Consult With Sponsor

Should tension reach excessive levels, recovering addicts might benefit from a consultation with their sponsors. Sponsors are significant because said individuals have been in the position the addicts have been in and are subjects they can relate to in ways that others simply cannot.

Avoid The News And Other Media Outlets

When people hear others mention that they cannot watch the news any longer, such individuals are likely not exaggerating. Under normal circumstances, news reports broadcast over mediums like television, radio and the internet often demonstrate a tendency to dwell on the negative. When all one hears about is death, disease and suffering, an adverse frame of mind can set in. Therefore, recovering addicts or individuals prone to excessive alcohol intake are strongly cautioned to avoid news coverage or greatly limit their consumption.

Designate Alone Time

Spending time around supportive people like loved ones is typically beneficial. However, when people are forcibly quarantined together for extended durations, even the most close-knit unit has the potential to get on each other’s nerves. Though normal, family tension can get heated and emotional, which can heighten the tension a recovering addict experiences. Therefore, said subjects are encouraged to devote a block of alone time each day. Enabling oneself and those they are around to enjoy personal space and time to think often lessens the chances for personal conflict.

Establish A Healthy And Consistent Routine

One thing almost everyone can agree upon is that the Covid-19 pandemic has completely disrupted their normal routine. That said, recovering addicts or those susceptible to excessive alcohol consumption are urged to establish a new but healthy routine. Healthy schedules consist of constructive activities that absorb time and keep the participant’s mind occupied. Moreover, this new schedule should be consistent. Ergo, once established, the follower should not deviate from said arrangement.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is arguably amongst the most important actions a recovering addict can practice. Properly caring for oneself includes engaging in endeavors like consuming a healthy diet, obtaining adequate amounts of sleep each evening, partaking in mind-stimulating activities and avoiding other potentially dangerous vices like cigarette smoking.

Express Gratitude

Being thankful can be difficult at the best times, much less during a trying experience like the current pandemic. However, expressing gratitude for the things one has might improve their mood and overall mindset.