How Coronavirus has Impacted Crime Rates

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( — April 27, 2020) — 

Coronavirus lockdowns have caused a worldwide drop in crime. Crime fell 84% in Peru and 30% in Los Angeles since the start of widespread social distancing. Nonetheless, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected different crimes in different ways. While moving violations and property crime have declined, there has been an increase in identity theft and family violence.

Moving Violations

In Cincinnati, police saw a 90% drop in traffic stops. The police there attribute this to the closure of bars and the dearth of DUIs. With fewer people driving around, there are fewer vehicles to stop and officers may want to avoid unnecessary contact or confrontation for common traffic violations such as speeding.

Drug Offences

Although there has been a steep decrease in drug-related arrests and citations, this is likely due to a decrease in traffic stops. The Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx has announced that her office will no longer prosecute low-level, nonviolent drug offenses during the pandemic. This is in part to protect first responders and court staff, but also to limit the population of jails. Prisons throughout the nation have been releasing non-violent offenders of all kinds, including drug offenders, to limit the spread of the virus and maintain social distancing in prisons.

Experts doubt that drug use has declined. In fact, some police stations are using the lockdown to identify drug dealers by the unusual amount of activity at their addresses. Drug dealers are changing their methods, with some commerce moving online. The pandemic has hit the drug trafficking industry and caused some suppliers to dilute their stock. Some experts fear a spike in overdose deaths relating to isolation, stress, and lack of access to treatment.

Property Crimes

Many thefts are simply crimes of opportunity, and with stores closed and everyone at home, there is simply little to steal. Most burglars strike during work hours to avoid a confrontation with the homeowner. Thieves will target homes when the owners are on vacation, but few people are traveling in light of the pandemic. Furthermore, thieves posing as door-to-door salesmen put themselves at risk of infection and are unlikely to receive a warm welcome from self-isolating households.

Identity Theft and Scams

Identity theft is a never-ending feature of the digital world and with more people online and the recent increase in government benefits, thieves are devising more ways to scam people out of their money. Account takeovers are up 79% from 2019 and formjacking, a scam where cybercriminals create forms that imitate legitimate websites to collect sensitive information, is up 117% from 2019.

Gun Violence

Despite an overall decrease in violent crime, gun crime statistics have held steady in several cities including Baltimore and Chicago. As of March 30th, deaths from gun violence in 2020 exceeded the number of deaths from Covid-19, although deaths from the virus are increasing at an exponential rate and are on track to surpass gun violence deaths. In the New York Times, a surgeon named Eleanor Kaufman pleaded with the public for a stop to gun violence, noting that its victims were taking up hospital resources needed for Covid-19 patients.

Family Violence

With families stuck at home, the pandemic has been especially hard on victims of domestic violence and child abuse. Domestic disturbance and violence calls have increased 10% to 30% for police agencies. This phenomenon is worldwide and has attracted the attention of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres who has been calling attention to the issue on Twitter.

While some medical professionals have noted an anecdotal spike in child abuse related hospitalizations, there is not yet solid data showing an increase in child abuse during the pandemic. Parents are spending more time with their children and are exposed to many intense stressors that increase one’s propensity to commit child abuse. In addition, children are isolated from teachers and care staff who are trained and obligated to report such crimes.

With an increase in crime, it is important to take precautions. Keep your home and car locked at all times. Consider installing a security system or cameras as well.