Jobs Hard to Find but Not Impossible in Current Financial Market

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( — April 30, 2020) — Whether you have been laid off or simply feel that now is the best time to make a career move, you are going to face challenges in the current financial market. Besides the sliding economy, employers are just not able to conduct interviews and contact job seekers as usual. Any interview you participate in is likely going to be remote, and those who do get hired might not have a start date for months. So, what you don’t want to do in this situation is get depressed, despondent, and refuse to even try. Instead, you do want to make yourself stand out in a positive way as being creative, persistent, and exceedingly resilient.

When Hitting the Pavement Is Not an Option 

In even the worst of economies, job seekers have been able to hit the pavement with resume in hand, walking into various businesses until they scored a lead or two. That is, until now. Businesses have shuttered, offices are indefinitely closed, and job listings are scarce at best. Find the most up to date contact information for major employers in your area and send an email instead. If you live in a state that has a safe shelter or mandatory stay home order in place, you can find a list of essential businesses online. This will tell you who to contact, what their operating hours are, and you might even find out if there are any immediate openings.

Making the Most of Online Job Seeking Websites

While there are plenty of businesses that are shuttered, some industries simply can’t find enough good workers. For instance, grocery stores, hospitals, major retailers like Walmart, and even manufacturers are constantly looking for workers. Some of these positions will put you on the front lines, offering hazard pay and PPE to any and all staff members. You can also work for yourself as an independent contractor making home deliveries on your schedule. If none of these jobs tickle your fancy, find an employer that advertises work from home positions. 

Going Through Your List of Contacts 

In situations where employment options are limited and you need to find a job quickly, the best option is to check with old contacts. Visit to look up former colleagues, old bosses, and past references to see if they know of any leads. Literally, think of every past job you have had and see who you may be able to track down. This process won’t be that time-consuming if you compile a list of people who you have worked with in the past and at least know their last city and state of residence.

Finding a job, and fast, during a global pandemic isn’t easy. Thankfully, there are all sorts of ways that you can supplement your income. Consider picking up two part-time jobs, look into unemployment benefits, and be willing to give online work a try. Getting a new job the traditional way is not a realistic expectation right now, but that doesn’t mean that you have to take a cut in salary. Plenty of people are starting up their own businesses, picking up side jobs, and otherwise looking at employment in a new way.