The 3 Secrets to Effective Employee Management in Times of Crisis

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( — May 4, 2020) — Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past eight weeks, you already know that we’re facing one of the biggest crises in living memory. Not since the Second World War has life been so unpredictable, with people living day to day in a state of dazed confusion.

For companies trying to manage these tough times, there are even more hurdles to overcome, and there is absolutely no time to plan or test ways of working before doing a full roll out once the data is in. Right now, it’s either stay in or fold. There is no in-between.

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

It’s not all doom and gloom, though. There is definitely a sense of “we’re all in this together,” and many companies have managed the transition to home-working admirably, with kids and pets becoming honorary co-workers on Zoom calls across the US.

One of the most important steps we can take in a crisis like this is not to forget that our employees are humans, too. Low levels of stress and anxiety are present for everyone right now, and if we want to keep or employees motivated and engaged, there are a few things we can do.

Keep Talking

No one wants to hear the phrase ‘lay-offs’ at 9 am on a Monday morning, but the reality is that some companies will not survive the financial disaster that is sure to hit once this pandemic is over. On an unconscious level, many employees know this.

We owe it to our employees to be open and honest about what’s going on. Every employee has a reason they go to work, whether it’s to put food on the table for the kids or to give their lives purpose, so be sympathetic, and keep them in the loop as much as possible. 

Be Even More Organized

A time of crisis is a time to be even more organized. Making sure everyone knows what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and what the deadlines are is a vital aspect of keeping some kind of normalcy going.

Zenefits is an HR Company that can manage all sorts of HR needs, from hiring to onboarding to and vacation time. Allowing all employees access to their own data and services through an easy-to-use web interface or an app will be a great benefit right now.

Test and Act Fast

Like many companies, you may be feeling as if this current situation came out of nowhere. There was a small rumbling back in January and February, but suddenly everyone’s lives changed with no time to plan or manage a smooth transition.

Give props to employees where you can for ‘keeping calm and carrying on,’ as the British say, but don’t be afraid to test any methods of communication, new software, or new apps and get them implemented quickly if you think they will help your business. Your employees will thank you for this one.