Could France Go from Tourism Capital to No Tourists in 2020?

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( — May 6, 2020) — As France is planning to reopen on May 11, we will still have to wait till June to know when bars, restaurants and the tourism industry can reopen its doors.

Will Tourists from Other Countries be allowed in France this year?

When French Prime Minister was asked when and where France’s citizens could go on holidays, he stated that it was not yet time for them to make plans and that they’d probably have to stay in their own region. It is difficult to imagine, after such a statement, that France would reopen its doors to tourists from other countries in a relatively short time.

In fact, there have been discussions inside the European Union for closing the Schengen frontiers until September. That would automatically eliminate all visitors coming from countries from outside its borders. If you are one of those and you planned to visit France, it gives you ample time to prepare your next trip which you can do by using this online touristic guide on France. It will help you discover the many regions and choose the ones you absolutely want to see when you finally get the opportunity to go to France. The diversity from North to South but also from East to West is particularly strong in this country. Unless you plan to stay for a month or more, you won’t be able to discover all its beauty. Tips from the online guide will help you make the best decision according to your interests.

A Partial Reopening in July?

Now Managers and owners involved in tourism in France have started to envision some kind of reopening in July. Stéphanie Gombert, director of the Château de la Treyne in the Dordogne Valley says that she thinks she will be able to open a few rooms for visitors during that month, but highly doubts that any international visitors will be allowed to come this year, except maybe for citizens from surrounding countries, like Belgium and Switzerland. But one thing is certain; it will be a difficult year for Stéphanie and her colleagues in the French tourism industry.

Who Normally Visits France in the Summer Months?

Normally, in June, a large portion of visitors in France are coming from countries outside Europe. Afterwards, in July and August, British citizens represent a large part of the tourism industry, but as of now, no one knows if they will be allowed in. Tourism in June is already considered to be impossible by all actors of the industry and they can only hope that some kind of business will be possible in July and August, so they don’t completely lose the summer season.

France is the most visited country in the world and Summer time is usually especially busy. As Parisian leave the city in August, for their annual holiday, the city is normally filled with tourists who enjoy the vacated space. But it looks like this year, Parisians will have to stay home (or very close to) and there won’t be streets filled with visitors. Unless things take a turn for the better quite rapidly!