(Newswire.net — May 22, 2020) — Our consciousness is the ability to visualise the future and plan for that future. Of course; we can’t plan for every eventuality but we can anticipate trends and adapt to these changes through initiating effective change management. In fact, it is today’s most revered leaders that help not only change their own companies but the industry they work in and even the world; simply because they are able to turn their visions into reality through the use of futurism.
Seeing the bigger picture
Futurists possess highly creative mindsets that speculate business’s strategies over years and decades. This wide-range vision creates products, processes and services that they can adapt and fit into a long-term vision and so a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy is begun. This “story” although not yet “true”, when repeated often enough, will have the effect of acclimatising staff, stakeholders and customers’ minds to this vision of futuristic growth, which has the positive effect of cementing its actual success.
Psychology of change
Fascinating research has revealed that our brains change more when we reflect on the possibilities of the future than they do when we think about the past which, after all, has been and gone. It is our ability to look ahead that actually creates and establishes our personal and business worlds. There can however, be some difficulty for businesses to use futurism effectively in order to bridge the gap between the thoughts of the future and how to make improvements starting today. This is where change management training can be invaluable.
Innovation versus futurism
Many businesses think they are adopting a futuristic approach but actually embracing innovation. However, the two approaches are not the same. Innovation is a gradual process that uses existing resources and technology; taking a step by step approach to get ahead of the competition and ahead of the market. Futurists however, anticipate what is to come and then build towards these different scenarios – turning their predictions into reality even if they have to amend them during the innovation pipeline. So, one method uses the past to get ahead and one works back from the future instead.
Consulting the experts
Futurism however, is not an “isolated” experience where one simply decides to be a “futurist” and go it alone. Futurists can and do use tools to brainstorm ideas and then consult experts who deal with the field of experience of those ideas to help build the future in mind. A change management specialist can explain and show you how to implement the different tools of futurism which include methods such as Scenario Planning, Environmental Scanning and the Dephi Survey Method.
The 4th Industrial Revolution
It is now said we are in the 4th revolution of the industrial/business age which is proving to be far more technologically fast-paced than ever before. This is why futurism and the ability to use this skill effectively is proving to be an essential part in taking responsibility for creating our own successful business futures.