US Vegan Meal Delivery Service For Healthy Weight Loss And Healing Launched

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( — May 31, 2020) — Montclair, NJ — Montclair, NJ based Unveil Nutrition has launched a plant-based Vegan meal delivery service aimed at people who want to live a healthy lifestyle, lose weight and heal holistically.

Montclair, NJ based Unveil Nutrition has launched a new healthy vegan meal delivery service aimed at people interested in changing to a nutritionally balanced plant-based diet. It is designed to support and maintain weight loss.

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The newly launched service is available to New Jersey residents via either collection or delivery while out of state customers can order online for nationwide delivery.

Unveil Nutrition differentiates itself from other meal delivery services as all the meals are soy and gluten free. Additionally, it provides fitness training and supplements to ensure customers receive a well-rounded comprehensive service.

The range of healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals has been developed to help customers combat obesity, high blood pressure, low self-esteem, and confidence issues. It offers new bi-weekly menus, weight loss plans, bulking programs, eating guides, and protein shakes.

Plans are available as a seven, ten, fifteen, or twenty-one meal kit. The latest menu features a protein breakfast hash bowl, a detox hummus bowl, chocolate banana oats, and immunity boosting supplements including sea moss superfood gel.

The expert team behind Unveil Nutrition want to help people sustainably lose weight to improve their health while also healing holistically. A natural plant-based approach to diet can help people to heal holistically from the inside out.

Nourishing food, alongside an exercise routine, can help people to recover lost health and fitness. Plant-based diets generally include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and legumes. They are unrefined, low sodium, and only include natural sugars.

Natural supplements can be purchased alongside the meal plans, as can healthy versions of popular snacks. This gives customers confidence in the plans they sign up to as they have enough variety and healthy foods to last them. All meal plan options are nutritionally balanced and affordably priced.

A company spokesperson said: “People are so busy and face so much pressure to look after themselves and live their best life. We understand it can be hard to balance life’s demands while putting you and your health first.”

“That is why we have launched a range of healthy, balanced, plant-based meal delivery options to help people maintain a healthy lifestyle. We aim to unburden people, so they can concentrate on other aspects of their lives, knowing their healthy diet is being taken care of,” they added.

To find out more, interested parties are invited to visit the website provided.