Mass Communications Professional Julian Narchet Shares Simple Ways to Improve Your Content

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( — June 9, 2020) —

Content marketing can be an essential tool when it comes to finding ways to grow your business. Simple changes like focusing on your audience, making content clear and reader-friendly, adding visuals, and keeping informed on search engine optimization trends can go a long way. Below, Julian Narchet shares a handful of tips for improving your content marketing strategy.


Focus on Your Audience


It is essential to tailor your content to fit your target audience. Start by understanding your audience’s needs and wants through products and services your business may offer. Business growth should then stem from initiatives in content marketing geared towards those individual personas. While content should be generated initially to help drive traffic to your business, it is also equally essential to refresh your content on a routine basis. Your audience may be a mix of individuals or companies looking to purchase your offering and looking to educate themselves on specific topics. Ensure the content your business delivers is a mix of both as learners may become customers over time with a trusted brand providing the information they need.


Make Content Clear and Concise


When creating content for your audience, remember to make your content clear and easy to read. Is your audience an expert in the industry and can understand complex and intricate details? Are they beginners looking to your business for education and fundamental definitions and information on a subject? Keep the content clear and let it reflect your company’s brand and voice. Content should be informative and direct, giving interested parties the information they need without scrolling endlessly to find it buried at the bottom of a page.


Add Visuals


Visuals such as videos, infographics, or images are a great way to help engage those reading your content and help keep them on your page longer. Switching up content to include video marketing can help engage different audiences by appealing to unique learning types. Graphs or charts can quickly demonstrate key points on numerical information that can get lost in translation through text.


Search Engine Optimization


Content can age over time and can eventually rank lower in search results. Stay up to date on current search engine optimization trends and make changes to articles and content as needed. It can be simple enough to replace keywords or embedded links to help continue to drive traffic to your content. Stay informed on which keywords drive organic search results and modify your content when needed to include those targets.


Switch Up Delivery of Content


There are many touchpoints and avenues to communicate with your target market. Building a content marketing strategy that reaches your audience across blogs, eBooks, case studies, videos, podcasts, and social media can help spread your brand name further.


About Julian Narchet


Julian Narchet is a marketing and mass communications professional, and a Communications Specialist at the University of Miami. He has extensive experience in customer service, market research, academic research, social media, public relations, and event management. He is passionate about making a difference in the lives of others through cooperation with non-profits and healthcare organizations.