Health Authorities Now Warn Against the LDL-Loaded Foods to Avoid

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( — July 7, 2020) Orlando, FL — Doctors and health organizations continue to warn against a variety of foods that could wreak havoc on health. Some of these edible items are particularly known to have high LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations.

Health authorities warn that in developed and developing countries, cardiovascular disease is the top cause of mortality. There are factors associated with the increased cardiovascular risk.

This specifically includes the combination of high LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations along with low HDL cholesterol concentrations.

The National Cancer Institute reveals that in the United States, there are top food sources of cholesterol.

These include chicken and chicken mixed dishes, eggs and egg mixed dishes, beef, beef mixed dishes and burgers, full-fat cheese, sausages, hotdogs, bacon, and ribs. 

It is similarly important to reduce consumption of certain fish and fish mixed dishes, grain-based desserts, dairy desserts, pizza, pasta, Mexican mixed dishes, reduced fat milk, pork, and shrimp.

To reduce LDL and increase HDL levels, health experts recommend avoiding consumption of canola oil and some other processed vegetable oils, potato chips and other packaged foods, cookies and other sugary treats.

Improving blood fat levels may be done by resorting to the use of some antioxidants like resveratrol. 

According to scientists who conducted studies involving animals, resveratrol supplementation alters blood fats in a healthy way.

In 2016, researchers fed mice with high-polyunsaturated fat, high-protein diet. They were also treated with resveratrol supplements. 

It was found that there were reductions in the average total cholesterol levels and body weight of the mice. 

This interesting study also revealed the treatment led to an increase in the levels of good HDL cholesterol. 

Researchers suggest this antioxidant seemed to have an influence in cholesterol levels through its ability to reduce the effect of a certain enzyme, which controls cholesterol production.

Further, this antioxidant may also aid in reducing the oxidation of “bad” LDL cholesterol. It is worth mentioning the LDL oxidation has long been known to contribute in plaque buildup in the artery walls. 

In a study, use of grape extract boosted with extra resveratrol for six months led to a reduction in LDL by 4.5 percent. It is also worth mentioning LDL had decreased by 20 percent.

While more studies are still underway to validate the effects of this natural remedy, its use is highly recommended. 

It is widely resorted to by individuals who want to improve their health, and it is obtained through the use of supplements like Divine Bounty Resveratrol.

This extra-strength formula is known for its high potency and purity. What makes it even more superior over other brands is that it is protected with a money back guarantee (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty have carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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