Healthy Hydroponic Vegetable Gardening Home System -Green Thumb Not Required

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( — July 3, 2020) — Gardyn has recently released a hydroponic artificial intelligence gardening system. The system requires no soil, is hassle-free, and comes with a virtual gardening assistant.

Gardyn has recently released its artificial intelligence monitored hydroponic gardening system. The new system is designed to help people easily access fresh food.

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The newly-released system has been designed to give busy people the ability to grow healthy food with minimal effort. It is very easy to assemble and uses an app that can be downloaded to any mobile device. The app, known as Kelby, acts as an assistant gardener that utilizes artificial intelligence to monitor the growth and nutrient needs of the plants.

The entire system is no more than two square feet and does not require any soil. It utilizes a plug-and-play technology that is the first of its kind and it can grow up to 30 plants to perfection.

It comes with small blocks that have the seed of choice inside. All that is needed is for the blocks to be plugged into the vertical unit and water added. These blocks are known as ycubes. The artificial intelligence sensors will monitor the growth of the seeds in the ycubes and provide an alert when further action needs to be taken.

Gardyn’s new system is very efficient. Most people add water to the system once every four weeks. This takes the hassle out of gardening and affords them more time for other things. Additionally, Kelby gives updates and instructions on what is needed if there are unexpected eventualities. Kelby even has a vacation mode!

Kelby is the most useful aspect of the system. It sends immediate report alerts to a connected mobile device so that gardeners can be updated on the progress of their plants, including when to add water, nutrients, and when to harvest.

The artificial intelligence software allows for plants to be grown to perfection. The team at Gardyn programmed Kelby to assist in growing the best produce and this includes notifying gardeners when it is the best time to reap the harvest. Also, only the ycubes with plants that have grown to perfection are harvested, allowing the others to continue to grow.

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