New York Online Home Business Course for Women Entrepreneurship Program Launched

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( — July 10, 2020) — New York, NY — Business and marketing consultancy NiaDara New York announces the launch of an all-new e-learning course that teaches women how to bootstrap and run a successful home-based business.

NiaDara New York, a business and marketing consultancy, launches an entrepreneurship eCourse designed specifically for women who aspire to start a home-based business. This program, called The Dream Target, is ideal for women who want to nurture both their entrepreneurial ambitions and their families.

More information is available at:

Statistics show that 50% of US businesses in the country are now home-based. This equates to about 15 million companies, 60% of which are non-employers or solely owned.

Company owner Nia Dara highlights that these ventures are more likely to be owned by women rather than men. She believes this is because home businesses allow women to generate revenue without compromising their ability to care for their loved ones. And with many women losing their jobs due to the pandemic, even more are looking at home-based ventures as a viable income source.

However, many women do not have the skills or training to launch a business—an especially challenging prospect given the current economic landscape. Nia Dara says The Dream Target was created to address this gap, giving women the knowledge they need to bootstrap their startup or brand and market it effectively.

Topics covered by the course include turning passions into a business model, managing a business and a family, key focus areas of entrepreneurship, mindset readiness, brand building and marketing, and scaling for sustainable growth.

To give a preview of the program, the company is also offering a free brand-marketing bundle that contains five ready-to-use marketing tools.

Nia Dara says: “This program is the result of my own experience of leaving a comfortable 9-5 job to brave the world of entrepreneurship. It was both the scariest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done (besides becoming a mother)—and I felt I had a duty to pass on my hard-earned knowledge to spark the inner entrepreneur in women.”

Nia Dara is a mother and entrepreneur who owns NiaDara New York and the lifestyle communications consultancy NDNY Studio. Before being a business owner, she worked as a digital marketer, brand ambassador and a career developer in the beauty industry. Her work has been featured in ABC6, USA Today, and Daily Herald.

More information about NiaDara NY can be found at the URL above.