(Newswire.net — July 13, 2020) — Taking care of your teeth is extremely important and is something that all people should get into the habit of doing at a young age. For most people when they reach their teenage years, one dental procedure that may be necessary is to remove their wisdom teeth. There are a variety of reasons why someone may want to have their wisdom teeth removed.
Pain and Discomfort
One of the most common reasons why someone should have their wisdom teeth removed is because they can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. When wisdom teeth continue to grow, they will continue to break through the gum line. This could cause a lot of pain and discomfort, particularly when you are trying to chew food. If you are experiencing pain near these teeth, it would be a good idea to have them removed as soon as you can.
Repeated Infections
Another reason why you should have your wisdom teeth removed could be if there are repeated infections. Whenever your wisdom teeth break through the gum line, they are creating a risk that there could be an open wound that could be infected. While it may be OK if this happens once, if it continues to occur, you should consider it a health risk that should be avoided. One of the best ways to do this is by having the teeth removed entirely.
Damage to Other Teeth
For some people, wisdom teeth will come in a perfect direction that does not cause any additional issues. However, for others, they could come in a direction that is angled and causes serious problems. Some issues that you could experience can include impaction, which could cause damage to your other teeth. Even if you do not have a serious impaction, the wisdom teeth could cause overcrowding, which could cause improper movement of the rest of your teeth.
Avoid More Challenging Extraction
When you have your wisdom teeth removed early, it could help you to avoid a more serious extraction procedure when you are older. If you have waited too long to have your wisdom teeth removed, they will possibly have grown to the point where they are less accessible. This could then require a more serious dental procedure, which may even require that you remove other teeth. Further, the older you get, the larger the root of the teeth will be. This could make the recovery process longer as well.
Increased Chance of Gum Disease
Those that have wisdom teeth are also taking on a larger risk of gum disease. You will be at a higher risk of this disease whenever the teeth are continuing to grow. If you do get gum disease, it could cause a deterioration of your gum line around all of your other teeth as well. This could put your entire set of teeth at risk and controlling the gum disease can be challenging, even for those that care for their teeth properly.
No Added Value
While wisdom teeth are completely natural, most people today will find that they do not provide any added value to those that continue to have them. Most of the time, the other molars are more than enough for eating even the toughest meat and other foods. Due to this, the wisdom teeth are not deemed necessary and not worth the risks that they create.
For a lot of people, having your wisdom teeth removed could be a great option. Even if they appear to be coming in cleanly, they will always pose some form of risk that will usually outweigh the benefits of having the additional teeth. Due to this, you should consider having the wisdom teeth removed by your dentist or oral surgeon as soon as they are noticeable.