Lanzarote Anglican Parish Celebration Of Patronal Festival Date Announced

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( — July 20, 2020) — The Anglican Church of St Laurence in Lanzarote has announced the dates for its celebration of its patron saint, St Laurence, on Monday, 10th August 2020 in line with social distancing guidelines.

The Anglican Church of St Laurence in Lanzarote has announced the date for its celebration of its patron saint, St Laurence. The event, which will be taking place on Monday, 10th August 2020, is open to all.

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The newly announced event will be a celebration of the life and witness of St Laurence. The church prides itself on being available to everyone. Whether people want to worship, light a candle, say a silent prayer, or just want to enjoy company among like-minded individuals. Families and children of all ages are welcome.

After the service, coffee will be available for attendees. Everyone is welcome, however, the church kindly requests that everyone planning to attend lets them know in advance so they can adhere to all safety and social distancing measures. Interested parties are invited to bring their own face mask or covering as sanitizer will be available at the door.

The Anglican Church of St Laurence has one main goal; not to leave anybody behind. The church is working towards a new and revived church that is accessible to all – whether online or in person. During lockdown, the church has offered several virtual online services to support people praying at home.

As of July 5th, 2020, Sunday Services in the church in Puerto del Carmen have resumed. Those attending are advised to wear a nose and mouth covering throughout the service and are politely asked to maintain any social distancing practices in place.

A spokesperson said: “Whether you are a long-term or new resident, a regular visitor, or simply here on holiday, please be assured of a very warm welcome at all our services and events. We love to hear from visitors who have shared worship with us and do let us know if you are thinking of joining us for worship when you come on holiday to Lanzarote.”

To find out more, interested parties are invited to visit the website provided.