Planning Kids College recently launched a new live workshop for high school parents looking to learn more about how to prepare their children for college. The workshop addresses family financial planning, maximizing financial aid, and many more.
Julie of Planning Kids College announced the launch of a new workshop for high school parents. This free workshop informs parents about everything they need to know when preparing their children and their finances for college.
More information can be found at
Parents play a major role in the college planning process. The newly launched workshop for high school parents at Planning Kids College aims to help parents looking to successfully and efficiently send their children to college.
The transition to college is challenging for both students and their parents. Unfortunately, many students and parents wait until their senior year of high school to start planning for college and this makes things even more complicated for them.
Some of the most common planning mistakes families make include assuming that college admissions are only about a high GPA or SAT/ACT score, not positioning their assets to maximize financial aid before the senior year, and deciding to simply follow the system.
Whether parents are looking at saving, getting their children into good schools, or applying for scholarships, they should always be making informed decisions. Throughout the college planning process, it is encouraged for parents to take an active role.
The new workshop at Planning Kids College educates parents on what they need to know during their children’s high school years to ensure that they are prepared for college.
This new live training helps parents prepare for the high school to college transition, explores the financial aid process, discusses concerns about student independence, and offers resources for parents of high school students in the United States.
The workshop will provide parents with the necessary tools to ensure their children finish high school successfully and choose the college that is right for him or her.
A satisfied parent said: “Our experience working with the college preparation program has been a positive one, right from the start. They have taken the pressures and frustrations out of the college search.”
Interested parties can find more by visiting the above-mentioned website.