How to Utilize A/B Testing to Improve Conversion Rates

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( — August 27, 2020) — A/B Testing has long been used in advertising and marketing to increase engagement and drive more conversions. Unlike more complicated multivariate tests, this A/B testing helps you decide how many versions you want to test, and then split the available traffic evenly among them. 

According to the recent Conversion Rate Optimization Report, only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates. It has also been reported that for every $92 dollars spent to acquire customers, only $1 is spent on converting them.

You should embrace a solid framework and a scalable experimentation culture for producing repeatable, testable hypotheses, leading to improved conversions, increased sales and a superior experience for your customers.

In this blog, we’ll give you a detailed insight on how conducting a conversion optimization audit and using A/B Testing to improve conversion rates and achieve these objectives.

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a highly powerful tool in the domain of digital marketing. This is one of the components of the Conversion Rate Optimization process,using which businesses can gather both qualitative and quantitative data to derive user insights.

This insight enables to identify the prospective customers and optimize the conversion funnel.

Key Benefits of A/B Testing

  • Address visitor pain points
  • Generate higher ROI from existing traffic
  • Reduce bounce rate
  • Perform low-risk modifications
  • Reduce cart abandonment
  • Increased sales

How to use A/B testing to Improve Conversion Rate

With A/B testing, you can experiment a plethora of elements in your marketing activity. Let’s take a look at how to use A/B testing to increase conversion rate.

1.   Landing pages

Data shows that only 52% of companies employ A/B testing to find ways to improve conversion rates for their landing pages.

If you want to improve conversion rates, landing page A/B testing is essential. Whether you are developing a landing page for a premium content download, webinar, or any other purpose, each element of the page needs to be tested for better conversion. These include the design, headline as well as the supporting copy.

If you truly want to utilize A/B testing to its fullest, try out different designs, colors, and layouts. You may also create two versions, and roll it out to two different sets of audience. This will help you identify which version is getting more traction.

2.   CTA Buttons

You don’t need to follow your gut feeling to maximize your conversion rate. You should use the call-to-action button in any and every situation where you expect the visitor to do something.

Typically, consumers unknowingly follow a six-step process before clicking a CTA:

1.    Grab attention

2.    Build connection

3.    Create problem

4.    Generate interest

5.    Create suspense

6.    Transfer momentum

With Call to action button A/B testing, you can test many different elements such as:

  • The wording on the button
  • Button location on the page
  • Style of button
  • Size and color

You should start with one variable and incrementally test all to find the right one for best conversion.

3.   Form Fields & Length

Would you like to gather as much information as possible from your prospect, and include a number of fields in the form? If so, revisit your strategy as the number of fields on the form has a significant impact on conversion rate.

With A/B testing, you can build a stronger online form that helps you increase conversion. Try testing different forms and see the difference.

Progressive profiling is a good choice for balancing form fields and length as its underlying technology designates specific questions and reduces form length for users without compromising the impact.

4.   Social Media

Social media A/B testing enables you to enhance your marketing and advertising strategies in real time and ensure better conversions.

A/B testing can be used for any component of your social media posts and ads, profile pictures, bios and layouts. But for the most impactful outcome and the highest possible conversion, test the following elements:

  • Post text
  • Headline and description in link preview
  • Call to action
  • Use of image or video
  • Ad format
  • Hashtags

You need to test all of these to see what generates the most engagement.

5.   Pop-up Windows

If you think your pop-ups are not converting at their highest potential, it’s time to A/B test them. Although the primary objective of pop-up windows is getting visitors to sign up for e-mail lists and newsletter or blog subscriptions, they are intrusive to the user’s experience.

With Pop-up windows A/B testing, you can experiment various things such as:

  • Delay the Popup
  • Reduce the size of the Popup window
  • Headline of the pop-up
  • Adding mystery to the offer
  • Matching display time to engagement

In addition, you can also test different windows with differing colors, and CTAs, etc., to identify the best way to nudge your users and improve conversions.


You must not consider A/B testing as an out-of-the-way optimization exercise. If you want to increase conversion, make this activity as an integral part of your holistic conversion rate optimization program. Also, choose the best marketing automation tools in the market that will help you discover which techniques are working efficiently.