Read All About It! 3 Books That Unlock the Secrets of the Lottery

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( — August 28, 2020) — There are countless self-help books out there today that help you to do everything, from how to be more assertive at work to ways of perfecting the art of mindfulness. But one particular genre that has been steadily gaining a following in recent times has advice for would-be lottery winners.

There are countless titles to choose from, which can make it confusing. To help you sort the wheat from the chaff, we’ve taken a look around and found three very different angles which each explain their principles very well indeed. 

Disclaimer: As strictly a game of chance, there is no proven method or strategy for winning the lottery! 

Learn How to Increase Your Chances of Winning the Lottery by Richard Lustig

Although the title is undoubtedly something of a mouthful, once you get into the nitty gritty of the subject it is packed full of useful information. The book not only explains a lot of the math behind developing a successful lottery strategy, it also covers both Powerball and scratch card versions of the game.

Lustig writes from a position of knowledge and experience having won several major prizes personally as well as helping family members to win. He also goes through, in considerable detail, the importance of looking at the winning odds by finding a reliable place to see all the comparative information laid out. The best of these guides don’t just talk about the likelihood of winning the jackpot, but also of picking up any prize. Lustig will then tell you how to use this information to your best advantage.

Day Two hundred and seven: It’s nice to” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Insulinde

How To Win The Lottery With the Law of Attraction by Eddie Coronado

Here’s a book that takes a look at the subject from a very different angle. While its central tenet will be hard for many to accept – that the creative power of thoughts and feelings can help you to win – Coronado does present some compelling case studies.

The book is divided into four sections. The first introduces the concept of manifestation while the second consists of interviews with a number of people who have successfully used the technique and believe that it helped them to win.

Section three is a comprehensive collection of questions and answers with the final part being filled with practical tips. It may not be the book for everyone, but for those who believe in a more spiritual dimension to life, it makes for a fascinating read.

Lotto Wheel Five to Win by Gail Howard

Howard is undoubtedly the doyenne of lottery writers with a number of titles to her name. In this one she focuses on games involving five numbers that need to be picked and suggests the most effective strategies. In all, she covers 333 different systems split into groupings according to the initial stake. These range from $2 up to $100 and she claims that using the right one at the right time has led to over 50 jackpots.

Whether any of these books will lead to success for you remains to be seen. But the more you know, the more likely it may be.