A new book has been launched by Vanessa Ford and Danielle Jacobs, the co-founders of MenoLabs. Called “How To Master Menopause”, it details proven strategies for overcoming common symptoms.
A new book focusing on overcoming common menopause symptoms has been launched by the co-founders of MenoLabs, Vanessa Ford and Danielle Jacobs. They provide practical tips for living healthier, happier lives and give scientific insight into the body’s changes during the menopause.
More information can be found at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1629671835
The detailed new book, called “How To Master Menopause”, aims to demystify menopause and help women around the world going through this process. It provides proven methods and solutions to reducing menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, mood swings, irregular periods, weight gain, low sex drive and insomnia.
Readers will discover detailed insight into the research behind the microbiome and how it affects their health. The authors also demonstrate the power of probiotics and their ability to change not only menopause but also mood, the immune system, and heart health.
Vanessa Ford was prompted to action when, at the age of 44, she began her own transition into menopause. She was unsatisfied with the support she received, and co-founded MenoLabs as a result.
Danielle Jacobs, is a certified nutritionist who has worked with startup companies and businesses of all sizes for nearly 20 years. She is able to apply her extensive business expertise at MenoLabs, where she is involved with daily operations.
The authors explain that menopause leaves more than 50% of women with a feeling of dread over their future. However, they explain that there’s a way to get through it, and this is the reason they wrote the book.
How To Master Menopause acts as a reliable guide and blueprint to help women across the world to manage their symptoms and improve their overall health.
Vanessa states: “Because I’m going through this myself, right now, in the moment, I feel a real and pressing desire to find out all I can about menopause and what other women are going through, and I want to help them find the answers that they’re looking for. I know how frustrating it can be to try to go this alone, and I know we can do better.”
Full details can be found on the URL above.