Automated Auto Dealer Proof Of Income Seamless Payment Report Service Launched

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A newly updated car buyer verification service has been launched by TurboPass. By eliminating the hassles associated with paper-based paystubs and bank statements, they securely speed the process for buyers, sellers and lenders.

A newly updated service has been launched by TurboPass, helping car dealerships to streamline their processes with customers. Their automated proof-of-income solution allows them to sell cars faster with verifiable proof of customers’ ability to pay.

More information can be found at:

As a unique SaaS solution, TurboPass offers a simplified buying service for auto dealerships looking to increase sales. Sellers don’t have to worry about manual paperwork and income verification thanks to the paperless and fully automated service.

It has been designed to reduce stress and produce a more effective sales workflow. Using the latest technology, dealers will be able to generate a true financial snapshot of their customers and secure faster funding.

The team at TurboPass explains that they have created the newly updated service to provide instant proof of customers’ income, residency, and identity. One of the key benefits of this for auto dealers is that car sales are streamlined, but it also helps to reduce fraud.

Using TurboPass, dealers are able to get a true and accurate financial snapshot of a buyer’s ability to pay. This reduces risk and quickens the application and payment process for all parties involved.

In addition to this, TurboPass eliminates CIT and funding delays. On average, dealers are able to reduce their average contracts in transit (CIT) days from 3-10 days to a few hours.

The company states: “Auto finance fraud continues to grow annually and is estimated to reach up to $7 billion this year. By far, the most common type of fraud is misrepresentations in income and identity. For every case of fraud that is rejected by a lender and put back to a dealership, a dealer must sell an additional ten vehicles to recover lost profits.”

Through the utilization of TurboPass, dealers are able to eliminate this type of fraud and protect their earnings. The cutting-edge reporting service provides a modern, convenient way to maintain lender relationships and improve customer service. It also leads to enhanced customer satisfaction.

Full details of the newly updated service can be found on the URL above.