London Debt Management Collector Harassment IVA Expert Solutions Launched

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London debt, mortgage and loan consulting company Nations Finance announced a full range of solutions for clients looking for debt management, IVA and other services.

Nations Finance, a financial consulting company specializing in loan, mortgage and debt solutions, announced an updated range of services for clients struggling with debt collector harassment. The company offers a sustainable solution to end potentially threatening collection practices and help clients manage their debt in a sustainable, less stressful way.

More details can be found at

Unsustainable debt is one of the main causes of stress, with a University of Nottingham study highlighting a strong correlation between debt and higher risk of depression and anxiety. Dealing with harassment from debt collectors can be even more stressful, as many debtors report that such practices have a negative impact on their personal and professional lives.

Nations Finance aims to provide a compassionate debt management solution to help clients pay off their debts without the stress of dealing with collectors.

The company works closely with each client to assess their financial situation and help them find the best solution to develop a sustainable payment plan.

Clients can benefit from professional Attachment of earnings application consulting, as well as IVA (Individual Voluntary Agreement) assistance.

Nations Finance will also take the appropriate measures needed to ensure that their clients will not be affected by any potentially harassing collection practices, the results of which can be financially devastating.

One of the most common situations that debtors may find themselves in is getting into new debt to pay the money their current debtors are requiring. This will have a variety of negative financial consequences and Nations Finance strongly advises against this option.

“You certainly should not pay them if you need to borrow the money from somewhere else or someone else,” said a spokesperson for the company. “If you have the money and you want to pay them you can pay them, but you should always make sure you have enough money for your rent or mortgage, bills, council tax and other essentials. You might be better off just sending back their mail.”

With the latest announcement, Nations Finance continues to expand its range of high-quality financial solutions for clients in London and throughout the UK.

Interested parties can find more information on the agency’s services by visiting the above-mentioned website.