The Best US Translation Agencies

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( — September 28, 2020) — The role of translators has become increasingly more important over the last decades. Originally, their work consisted in translating official documents, TV episodes, movies or books. But now, in the age of the internet, the needs of translators have expanded. Now it is easier than ever to not only get the translation of any form of traditional media, but also to translate our business website, applications, etc. Because of that, finding a reliable translation agency is now more important than ever.

Trust only the most reliable companies

In a world with such a high demand for translations, it can only be expected that the catalog of agencies offering these services is just as wide.  However, not all translations offer the same level of quality, and because of that, we need to rely only on professionals that can guarantee us the best translations possible. 

That is the case of Pangeanic, an international company that specializes in offering their clients high translation services. This company has its headquarters in the US and Europe, and agent translation offices in both China and Japan. What makes this company so special is that they focus on getting things done right in the first try, assuring their customers that they will be delivered a top quality translation right away. 

This company has over two decades of experience, offering professional translation services in over 245 languages, including Spanish, French, German, Arabic, etc. 

Thanks to their revolutionary translation techniques and technologies, you will no longer have to wait for long periods to receive a translation. It does not matter that you are in the US, their global network system will connect you 24/7 with professional translators that will deliver your translation faster than any other company and with a higher standard of quality.

Different types of translations require different services

Not all translations are just as difficult or require the same level of knowledge and time from the translator. Because of this, many translation companies offer different translation services for their clients, so they can choose the one that better fit their needs. 

Professional companies like Pangeanic offer the following translation services:

Premium Translation Service

These translations are made by a professional translation with lots of experience on the translation’s theme, who performs a highly technical, medical or legal translation. This translation is then proof checked by an independent linguist and finally revised by a project manager that supervises the style, the concordance of the text, the use of accurate terminology, etc. 

This type of translation service goes over the standards set by the Translation Standard ISO17100, to which the company is independently audited and certified.

Premium translation services are mostly requested among:

  • Professional marketing translations
  • Departments needing sales literature and marketing texts
  • Translation of technical manuals
  • Translation of scientific journals
  • Translation of services manuals
  • Medical translations
  • Website translations
  • Legal translations

Over 3500 translators offer their premium translation services in more than 240 different language combinations. 

Fast translation services

Sometimes, due to the nature of a document, we may need it to be fully translated and delivered as fast as possible. Most companies would not offer this type of service, causing some major problems to customers that need their documents delivered in 24 to 48 hours. Thankfully, the team of Pangeanic translators can deliver documents translated in just a few hours or a day, thanks to their knowledge of the world’s most popular languages. They also offer custom-built machine translation technologies in case you need to translate a document for information purposes that require massive amounts of Data. 

Fast translations can be a lifesaving service if:

  • You need a document being translated urgently in 24 to 48 hours, no matter the size.
  • You require finding out what the document is about as soon as possible.
  • You require a very urgent translation to close an important deal
  • You need advanced technologies to translate big amounts of data that will not need to be processed until later on

And if you want a bigger piece of mind, you can request an additional proofreading after your translation is delivered. Fast translation services are offered in more than 100 different language pairs, so it does not matter if your document is in English, Spanish, Arabic or Hebrew, Pangeanic has you covered.

Standard translation services

When you need to translate a simpler and not very technical document, this option is by far the most common one. The translators offer a high quality translation of the document, which is later on checked by an expert project manager. Once the project manager is done, the translation is sent back to the translator for its final approval. 

All translations meet publication service standards and are certified. The most common languages in which standard translation services are requested feature:

  • French Translation Services
  • Spanish Translation Services
  • Japanese Translation Services
  • German Translation Services
  • Arabic Translation Services
  • Chinese Translation Services

But these are just some languages offered in the wide catalog offered by the over 3000 translators at the Pangeanic team.

Proofreading services

Sometimes we have enough knowledge of our language and the target language of our document to translate it ourselves. However, sometimes it may be hard to make it sound as natural as possible if we are not native speakers of said language, and that is when the services of a professional proofreader comes in the scene. A bilingual translator will compare both versions of the text and make sure that your translation does seem as natural as if it was the original written version, instead of a translation that may end seeming unintentionally forced at some points. The final result will be just as good as if it was originally made in the native version.

Proofreading services can be used in multiple fields, such as:

  • Website Localization and website translation
  • Document Translations (technical translations, legal translations, medical translations, business news translations and marketing translations)
  • Multilingual Desktop Publishing in Asian languages
  • Multilingual Desktop Publishing in European languages
  • Multilingual Desktop Publishing in Arabic and Hebrew
  • Voice-overs, Video Captioning and Subtitling

You can request for a free translation price quotation for any of your projects in any language. You will discover that proofreading services are not a luxury, but a need.