Winnipeg Real Estate Listing Agent Interview Questions Expert Guide Launched

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A new blog by Canadian realtor Bo Kauffmann has been released. It features ten questions that homeowners should ask potential real estate listing agents before employing their services.

Bo Kauffmann, a real estate agent of Winnipeg, Canada, has launched his new blog on questions to ask buyers when selling a house or condo. The blog was written to assist sellers with choosing the right listing agent.

Details can be found at

Bo understands the importance of working with a real estate buyer agent as well as the importance of picking the right agent to help one sell. As such, he penned the new blog, which comprises 10 key questions an individual should use during their interview with a potential listing agent.

Before getting into the actual questions, the real estate agent provides three tips that he believes will be essential to sellers during the process of selecting an agent. The tips entail asking a friend or relative for recommendations, checking the Winnipeg local listings, and checking reviews of real estate agents on Google.

According to Bo, one of the first questions that individuals looking to sell their house or condo should ask a potential agent is the length of years they have been in the real estate business. With this question, he says, one should expect the answer of four years or more as being credible.

Given that most real estate agents use the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) through which to advertise home sales, those who use this means along with other internet mediums should be top priority. As such, Bo advises that one inquires on where the potential agent normally advertises.

The next question on the blog pertains to who will be used to photograph the seller’s home for listing. The reason behind this inquiry, Bo explains, is that many agents, in an attempt to cut costs on their part, would use their own cellular devices to take out mediocre photos instead of hiring a professional.

The real estate advisor also encourages homeowners to ask potential listing agents if they have a website and about their level of activity on social media. These questions, he explains, would rule out the possibility of having an agent who doesn’t have a personal working site along with active social media accounts through which the seller can keep track of listings.

Other enquiries listed in the blog include asking the number of homes the agent has sold to date, what happens if something goes wrong, about commission rates, and for contact information. Bo also advises that sellers seek out a listing agent whose occupation is full-time.

To get in-depth details about the questions listed on the blog, interested parties can click on the link above.