Emerging New Studies Reveal the Science-Based Hypertension Dietary Tricks

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(Newswire.net — January 15, 2021) Orlando, FL — An increasing number of studies has been revealing that certain types of foods do help in the management of blood pressure levels.

According to experts, certain components of foods can have massive impacts on the body, particularly on blood pressure levels. 

Multiple research studies suggest that some foods in the kitchen are actually culprits of skyrocketing blood pressure levels. One ingredient is sodium, which can be found in a wide range of commonly-consumed foods. 

Health authorities warn against regular intake of heavily salted snacks like chips and peanuts, as well as dried, preserved, or salted meats, such as bacon, beef jerky, ham, and pepperoni. It is also best to avoid consumption of frozen foods, sauces, condiments, and canned foods.  

There are however some foods found to be significantly helpful against hypertension, and they are usually high-potassium, low-sodium fruits and vegetables. 

It is best to increase intake of citrus fruits and juices as well as bananas, fresh corn, apples, peas, cantaloupe, peppers, and baked or boiled potatoes. 

When it comes to reducing high blood pressure, some macrominerals like magnesium have been found potentially useful. 

According to researchers, magnesium works in relaxing smooth muscle cells, which pertains to those in the veins and the arteries. This means that it can eliminate the risk of blood flow constriction. 

What makes it even more beneficial is that it could also aid in regulating minerals vital to blood pressure. Scientists even reveal it aids in the maintenance of the delicate balance between sodium and potassium.

Magnesium has both direct and indirect effects on the risk of hypertension, and one reason is its ability to aid in the body’s absorption of calcium. It can aid in preventing calcium from being deposited in the arteries. 

A study was carried out in 2013 and it involved more than 5,500 individuals aged 28 to 75. It has been found that absorbed magnesium was linked with a 21 percent reduction in the risk of hypertension. 

There are actually may more studies that show how useful magnesium is against hypertension. 

Multiple studies have previously shown that the use of this mineral is associated with a range of health benefits. The deficiency of this powerful healing nutrient has even been associated with the onset of certain diseases and disorders.  

It is worth realizing that this macromineral may not just be obtained from foods and supplements, but also sprays like Purest Vantage Magnesium Oil. 

This spray is gaining increasing popularity in the international market as it is extremely helpful in delivering the therapeutic goodness of this mineral (http://amazon.com/Pure-Magnesium-Oil-Spray-Transdermal/dp/B011T9TASI).


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