How Can Rebounding Help Improve Your Lymphatic Health?

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( — November 6, 2020) — The lymphatic system is responsible for protecting our bodies against infection and harmful agents by ridding us of excess fluid and waste products. But lack of physical activity can cause toxins to accumulate in your body making you prone to illness.

Only an active lifestyle can fight against all the waste products currently swimming in your body. Frequent movement and muscle contraction allow your lymphatic system to function efficiently to flushing out the entire toxin.

And one of the ways you can improve your lymphatic health is by opting for a rebounder that will keep you active even if you have a sedentary lifestyle.

What is the Role of Lymphatic System in Your Body?

The lymph system, consisting of thymus, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, tonsils, adenoid etc. bathes the cells, carrying nutrients to the cell and flushes out toxins from your body. WBCs like lymphocyte play an important role in maintaining the well-being of our immune system. Produced in our bone marrow, lymphocytes are the defense soldiers of our body.

Our lymph nodes filter the lymphatic fluid and trap the harmful microorganisms of our body which are then attacked by the B and T cells present in lymph vessels.

But, lack of physical activity can cause to poor lymphatic flow allowing toxins to accumulate in your body. Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle and excessive junk food can make you prone to illness as now your lymphatic system is overloaded with toxins.

When lymph fluid can flow efficiently, it can effectively dispose the toxins affecting our immune system. This is why, an active lifestyle is required for proper functioning of your body.

There are many ways one can remain active, one of which is rebounding. Using a rebounder, you can maintain your daily activity level to ensure your own well-being. 

What is Rebounding and how does it work?

Rebounding is a fun way of exercising where you have to jump on a specialized trampoline called rebounder designed to get your heart pumping and muscles working.

Here is how you can rebound.

  • Start bouncing slowly without lifting your feet off the surface of the trampoline.
  • Once you get used to it, take it up a notch and bounce more vigorously.
  • Try moving around your limbs while bouncing.
  • Jump as high as you can to make it more intense.
  • Prolong your workout time as you go.

Rebounding has been found to be by far the most effective physical activity that can improve our lymphatic health.

How does Rebounding affect Lymphatic Health?

Lack of exercise can clog your lymph nodes with harmful toxins. Without proper disposal, they get accumulated in lymph nodes and cause inflammation in your nodes. This can lead to swelling of glands and lymphatic congestion which leads to several symptoms like edema, bloating, fatigue, chronic sinusitis.

Rebounding has major benefits. A 20-minute rebounding session does the same work that an hour of cardiovascular exercise does. While bouncing, you work against gravitational pressure which builds cellular strength and strengthens lymph valves.

The movement caused by the rebounding provides the required force to the lymph flow and drains the poisons. The bouncing activity you do on the rebounder, against gravity and its pull, activated the one-way valves of the lymphatic system. This, in turn, enables efficient circulation of the lymph fluid while getting the lymphocytes to the part of body where they are needed.

This is how; rebounding aids your lymphatic circulation and acts as your internal vacuum cleaner.

Additional benefits of Rebounding

In addition to improving lymphatic health, rebounding has a plethora of health benefits.

  • Since you are bouncing against the gravitational force, your cells get strengthened and your muscles and bones function better as a result.
  • Rebounding also helps against fatigue and joint pain.
  • Rebounding works your muscles hard, causing weight loss.
  • Rebounding regulates the cerebral-spinal fluid.
  • It also helps in minimizing infections and boosting immunity as the toxins get drained effectively.

 Final Words

Even though quite effective, rebounding is not the only way to improve drainage of lymph fluid. Regular exercises like jogging and walking also do a great deal of good. Moreover, managing a healthy lifestyle has long term benefits as well. Boosting your immunity and keeping diseases at bay requires continuous efforts which is why, regardless of which physical activity you choose, be persistent in your efforts.