Pat Bombard Electric Truck Manufacturer Low-Speed Electric Trucks Are The Future

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A new electric vehicle interview has been released, featuring Pat Bombard, the owner of eTruck LSV. He discusses the business and its potential with Linda Ballesteros.

A new interview has been released with Pat Bombard, discussing his electric trucks. He is the founder of an innovative low-speed electric truck fleet company, which is providing customers a unique eco-friendly solution to their transportation requirements.

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The newly launched interview is hosted by Linda Ballesteros as part of the All Things Franchising show on the Tough Talk Radio Network. The show discusses Pat Bombard and his mission to make electric vehicles more accessible to a wider audience.

Listeners will discover that alongside Los Angeles, there are noticeable spikes in electric vehicle (EV) usage in New York, Florida, and Texas. Pat Bombard founded eTruck LSV to meet the rising demand for quality EVs throughout the US.

Pat Bombard’s 100% electric trucks have a 120-mile range, making them suitable to replace any full-size transport truck. These can be used for factories, manufacturing, gated communities, and more.

In the interview, Linda highlights that the EV industry is ready to take off, with projections showing large-volume growth into 2021 and beyond. Pat covers how he was drawn to the industry, and what drove him to create his acclaimed EV business.

Since 2016, Pat has wanted to produce an affordable and reliable solution for the electric truck field. He wanted to create a fully electric vehicle that could work efficiently and effectively in environments like schools, colleges, malls, and open spaces like golf courses.

Now he offers a large electric truck fleet headquartered in Sarasota, FL. He aims to position eTruck LSV as an ever-present and growing leader in the electric vehicle space.

While electric cars have been gaining traction in recent years, data shows that larger trucks were lagging behind. Now, through eTruck, Pat Bombard strives to meet the need for quality trucks that don’t require fossil fuels.

By using one of his electric trucks, companies are able to save up to $1,200 per year on fuel costs. This allows for improved operational efficiency across sectors.

Full details of the new interview can be found on the URL above.